The End Of Civilization

Three years ago today was my last full day away from the insane asylum formerly known as the United States of America. We were in Costa Rica and flew back to Boulder, Colorado the following day.


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Tulsi – The Insane Radical Agenda Of Democrats

“The Democratic Party is weaponizing the security state and federal agencies against political opponents and those of us who dare to speak the truth and challenge their insane, radical agenda. These are characteristics of a dictatorship/banana republic—not a democracy”

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The Beauty Of Carbon

We took a brutally cold hike this morning in 50MPH winds and sub-zero wind chills. It was wonderful returning to the comfort and safety of our gasoline powered 1998 Honda CRV. The flowers at the end are courtesy of a 2020 fire which returned nutrients to the soil.

I-80 is closed across most of Wyoming due to the wind.

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January 6 Insurrection Video

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Hottest Year Ever

“the average daytime high temp at Downtown #LosAngeles was 64.9°, the coolest since the winter of 1978-79”

In 1977 California was having a “drought disaster” which was blamed on global cooling and expanding Arctic ice.

Brown Warns of Drought Disaster; Says ‘Hard Choices’ Face California – The New York Times

09 Jun 1977, Page 1 – The Daily Inter Lake at

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The Old Zelensky

At one time he sounded like a reasonable person.

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Do Not Remove This Tag Under Penalty Of Law

Three years ago this month, governments started arresting people for actually reading and following the instructions on the box.

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“In free countries”

“In free countries, governments do not lie about protests as a pretext to gain more power for themselves. They don’t selectively edit videos for propaganda services… But that’s EXACTLY what happened”

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Worst Drought In 1,200 Years

Snowpack across the western US is far above average.

Interactive Map

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“the West was not ready for an end to the war.”

“According to reliable information, the British Prime Minister at the time, Boris Johnson, intervened in Kiev on April 9 and prevented the signing. His reasoning was that the West was not ready for an end to the war.”

“Russia wants to negotiate!” | EMMA

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