Snatching Defeat From The Jaws Of Victory

In early July Republicans held a huge polling lead with near certainty of capturing both houses of Congress. Then the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade and polls jumped for the Democrats. Apparently it didn’t occur to the “conservative majority” on the Supreme Court to wait until after the election for any controversial decisions.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll – Rasmussen Reports®

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Michael Mann’s Million Dollar Theft

Besides all of his other crimes against science and humanity, one of Michael Mann’s worst offenses was his failure to reimburse Tim Ball for legal costs following Mann’s frivolous lawsuit. Ten years of litigation ruined Tim Ball’s health and depleted his finances.

Mann’s lawyer agreed that Mann would reimburse legal costs, but three years later Michael Mann hasn’t paid a penny. There will be a Go Fund Me account set up shortly to help the family.


Mark Steyn did an excellent write-up discussing this.

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California Flunks Chemistry

It appears California Governor Newsom may have slept through his primary school science lessons.

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Mobilizing Against The Climate Crisis

We spent the weekend exploring the unprecedented western megadrought – which King Charles says we need a WWII style mobilization to defeat.

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Greenland Glaciers Nearing Catastrophe

“Examiner (Launceston, Tas. : 1900 – 1954), Thursday 1 February 1940, page 9

GREENLAND GLACIERS MELTING Is the Arctic climate becoming more temperate? Remarkable new information, given by the famous Swedish authority, Professor H. Wilson Ahlmann, in a lecture to the Swedish Geographical Society, suggests that this may be the case.

Professor Ahlmann was speaking on the collated results of his expedition last summer to north-east Greenland, where he has been making glaciological studies on Clavering Island, in connection with his earlier researches in the most northerly parts of the Atlantic. The address was given before a brilliant assembly of scientists, and was illustrated by an array of magnificent colour photographs.

Professor Ahlmann stated that the glaciers of northeast Greenland show clear signs of a change towards a warmer climate. As has been observed in other parts of the Arctic, especially in Spitzbergen, the melting has increased rapidly. All, or at any rate by far the largest number of local glaciers in north-east Greenland have receded very greatly during recent decades, and it would not be exaggerating to say that these glaciers are nearing a catastrophe. “


According to NASA, this was occurring during the coldest decades on record.

graph.png (1130×600)

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YouTube Clown Show (Part 3)

Over the past two years my subscriber count on YouTube has increased by 30%, while my number of daily views is down 90%. This correlates with demands for censorship from the Climate Industrial Complex.

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Historic Media Megadrought

Some more spectacular fake news about weather and climate from “Yahoo News.”

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It Is All Putin’s Fault

Three years ago President Trump warned Germany about their nonsensical energy policies.

One year ago Germany announced the end of fossil fuels.

As a result of these policies and others promoted by the New York Times, Germany doesn’t have enough energy.

Now the New York Times says it is all Putin’s fault.

Opinion | Putin Will Make People Choose Between Heating and Eating This Winter – The New York Times

A few months ago the New York Times said Biden’s Russia policies were brilliant.

Opinion | Is Sleepy Joe Biden Making Vladimir Putin Blink? – The New York Times

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Greens Replacing Beef With Cannibalism

“Top executive at vegan firm Beyond Meat accused of biting man’s nose and ripping flesh off”

Top executive at vegan firm Beyond Meat accused of biting man’s nose and ripping flesh off – LBC

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California Government Flunks Chemistry

When natural gas burns, it produces two invisible gases (carbon dioxide and water) which form the basis of all life on earth.

California government believes these two invisible gases cause smog.

“California air quality regulators on Thursday voted to require all new space and water heaters sold in the state by 2030 have no emissions, a step toward phasing out the use of natural gas for heating homes and businesses.

The provision was adopted by the California Air Resources Board at a public meeting as part of a larger plan to reduce smog and bring the state into compliance with federal air quality standards over the next 15 years.”

California takes step away from natural gas to heat buildings | Reuters

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