The Climate Emergency Of 1955

On August 21, 1955 every US state was over 90F and fifteen were over 100F. Heat like that is outside the realm of experience of recent generations.

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“A Sign Of Things To Come”

“Energy experts” bet Australia’s future on the idea that eventually the sun will shine at night.

Solar briefly overtakes coal in Australia as number one source of power nationally – ABC News

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Worst Megadrought In 1,200 Years

Experts say my hometown of Los Alamos, New Mexico is experiencing the worst megadrought in more than 1,200 years. This is what it looks like this morning during one of the longest and wettest monsoon seasons on record. The golf course is the greenest I have ever seen it.

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Third Century Of The Same Junk Science

Arrhenius promoted global warming junk science in the late 19th century.

“The Coming Exodus to Siberia and Canada

And now min is adding to the amount of burning coal ay nothing was ever burned on earth before since the fires of its glowing core were quenched by its crust. Up to 1845 man had burned 27,700, 000 tons in all history, In the one year of 1911 we burned not less than 500,000,000 tons! This is a terrific thing to contemplate—the Passengers engaged in such a tremendous robbery of the coal bunkers—but we are now concerned only with carbonic acid gas, and its effects on the climate,

If we keep up the increase to even half the extent. which seems certain, we shall pour into the air enough carbon dioxide to double the amount of it in the atmosphere in eight hundred years, The probabilities are that the amount will be tripled in less than a thousand years—and your children and mine will be here then!

One of the greatest scientists in the world is Arrhenius of Sweden, He is a chemist and physicist, and has studied this matter, He shows that this proportion of carbon dioxide in the air will make the climate warmer, by acting like the glass roof of a green house, With the carbon dioxide increased from two and one-half to three times, the temperature of the whole world will be raised 8 to 9 degrees centigrade—and Greenland will have a good climate for farming. All the good soil of Canada will be in a§ temperate a climate as that now enjoyed by Missouri.

Corn will be grown in the Peace River Valley. Oranges will be an orchard fruit in Arkansas and Virginia. The suburban residents of Chicago may literally sit under their own fig trees and seuppernong grape arbors, Cotton will be a stable crop in Iowa, Bananas will fringe the shores of the Gulf. Siberia will become the greatest farming country in the world, The great Antarctic continent—one of the greatest on Earth in extent—will be the Western Canada, the Scandinavia, the Siberia of that day, and will have millions of people, Alaska will be as warm as Maine now is, And the heat of all the tropics will be made hotter for thousands of years.”

The Pueblo Leader – Google News Archive Search

Five years ago Steven Hawking made the science even worse.

Stephen Hawking: Earth Could Turn Into Hothouse Planet Like Venus | Live Science

Arrhenius made a fundamental error in that he didn’t recognize  H2O is a greenhouse gas.  Knut Angstrom pointed this out in 1901, and showed experimentally that adding CO2 has very little impact on climate.


In 1941 the USDA explained why increasing levels of CO2 would not have a significant impact on the climate.

“IT WILL be news to many people that man, during his geo- logically brief existence on earth, has never known a “normal” climate. We are now at the tail end of an ice age and living in a period of crustal and climatic violence as great as any the earth has known. This is why we have to think so much about the weather. Such periods of revolution have occurred briefly several times in the history of the earth.”

“Much has been written about varying amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as a possible cause of glacial periods. The theory received a fatal blow when it was realized that carbon dioxide is very selective as to the wave lengths of radiant energy it will absorb, filtering nut only such waves as even very minute quantities of water vapor dispose of anyway. No probable Increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide could materially affect either the amount of insolation reaching the surface or the amount of terrestrial radiation lost to space.

Climate and Man: Part One – United States Department of Agriculture, US Department of Agriculture – Google Books

Rasool and Schneider at NASA confirmed this in 1971.

“It is found that even an increase by a factor of 8 in the amount of CO,, which is highly unlikely in the next several thousand years, will produce an increase in the surface temperature of less than 2°K”

“even an order of magnitude increase of CO, in the atmosphere by human activities, which at the present rate of input is not expected within the next several thousand years, may not be sufficient to produce a runaway greenhouse effect on Earth”


I generated this graph using the RRTM-LW model, which shows how little impact CO2 and CH4 have on earth’s radiative balance.  Even a huge increase in CO2 or CH4  has minimal impact on climate.  H2O is far and away the dominant greenhouse gas on earth.

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The Unity of Science

In 1945, the Guardian said : “The freedom of science to push its inquiries into every field and to proclaim its own results regardless of established opinions was an article of the progressive faith throughout Europe”


The Unity of Science

The nineteen-thirties have radically called in question the liberal tradition of the West and we are only just beginning to disentangle the problems set by this challenge. Previously science had been unquestioningly regarded as a new source of enlightenment which was seeking to establish positive knowledge in place of dogma and metaphysical speculation. The freedom of science to push its inquiries into every field and to proclaim its own results regardless of established opinions was an article of the progressive faith throughout Europe, Within science itself the young pioneers, the revolutionaries like Pasteur and Darwin, Semmelweis, Arrhenius, Van t’Hoff, Freud, and Einstein, who had to fight often single-handed against the closed ranks of an overbearing orthodoxy, were ‘the most admired and beloved figures. They were the heroes of enlightenment.”

24 Mar 1945, 4 – The Guardian at

Now they demand anyone who disagrees with the “established opinions” be silenced.

“Climate change is real. We must not offer credibility to those who deny it If ‘balance’ means giving voice to those who deny the reality of human-triggered climate change, we will not take part in the debate, say Jonathon Porritt, Caroline Lucas, Clive Lewis and 57 other writers, politicians and academics”

Climate change is real. We must not offer credibility to those who deny it | Letters | The Guardian

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Worst Megadrought In 1,200 Years

Experts say the flooded western US is experiencing the worst megadrought in 1,200 years.

La Niña sea temperatures driving floods in Australia and drought in the United States and Africa – ABC News

Las Vegas flooding: Rain pours into some casinos and floods streets in wettest monsoon season in decade – ABC7 San Francisco

Streamflow in southwest rivers is much above normal with many running at record highs for the date.

USGS | National Water Dashboard

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United Nations Authority

The United Nations has been demonstrating for 35 years that they don’t understand climate, yet YouTube frequently contaminates my videos with United Nations climate propaganda.

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Latest From The Flooded Maldives

In 1988, the United Nations said the Maldives would drown by the year 2018. I have been unable to confirm this via webcams.

?LIVE? Webcam Kuredu Island Resort | SkylineWebcams

26 Sep 1988 – Threat to islands

The British Commonwealth said the only to prevent this from happening was global communism.

“GOVERNMENTS must yield national sovereignty to multilateral authorities able to enforce laws “across environmentally invisible frontiers” if the greenhouse effect, which threatens the future of whole nations, is to be overcome, the Commonwealth Secretary-General, Sir Shridath Ramphal, said on Tuesday.

A Commonwealth Expert Group set up to look at climate change estimated there was a 90 per cent certainty that the planet would become warmer by at least 1-2 degrees, perhaps much more, and that sea levels would rise by between one and four metres, by the year 2030?

26 Jan 1989 – Call for anti-greenhouse action – Trove

And the United Nations said we only had until the year 2000 to prevent this from happening.

Mercury News: Search Results

The Maldives have been growing for at least sixty years.

“New research says hundreds of islands in the Pacific are growing in land size, even as climate change-related sea level rises threaten the region. Key points: Coral reef sediment was responsible for the increase in land size Waves sweep up the sediment and deposit it on islands However some islands are becoming smaller due to coastal erosion Scientists at the University of Auckland found atolls in the Pacific nations of Marshall Islands and Kiribati, as well as the Maldives archipelago in the Indian Ocean, have grown up to 8 per cent in size over the past six decades despite sea level rise.”

Hundreds of Pacific Islands are getting bigger despite global warming – ABC News

Life wasn’t always this good in the Maldives. In 1837 the islands actually were disappearing.

“The natives observe the atolls to be wasting away; in some the cocoanut trees are standing in the water ; in another the black soil of the island is discernible at low water thirty feet from the beach ; the south-east side of an island in Phaidee Pholo Atoll is entirely gone, but is marked by a banyan tree in the water. They say that some islands have disappeared entirely”


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Scenes From The Megadrought

Experts say we are experiencing the worst drought and heatwave in 1,200 years. The climate research team braved the dangerous conditions here in Wyoming this afternoon. Tough work, but someone has to do it.

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Unprecedented Man-Made Global Warming

After a century of unprecedented man-made global warming, earth’s temperature is 0.1 degrees below the 1979-2000 average.

Climate Reanalyzer

Katharine Hayhoe from Texas Tech University explained how this works.

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