NOAA Turning Cooling Into Warming In Texas

I captured this NOAA Texas temperature graph in 2011.

Aggie Joke : Dessler Forecasts Texas Weather For The Next 90 Years | Real Science

NOAA has since tampered with the Texas temperature data to turn a slight cooling trend from 1895-2010 into a warming trend, and erase the record hot year of 1921.

Climate at a Glance | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

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Journalism Runs Dry (Part 2)

Lacking any adult supervision, the press is getting very sloppy with their fake news.

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New York Democrats – 1913 Version


New York, July 30.—The fourteen- foot ballot which came in for so much ridicule during the election primaries last fall has been outdone by one eighteen feet long which will be used in the democratic primaries in the twenty-third assembly district here this fall. There is no press in New York big enough ta take the ballots at a single impression. They will have to be printed in six foot sections and pasted together like circus bills”

30 Jul 1913, 1 – The Minneapolis Journal at

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Fake News Designed to Create Hatred And Division

CNN and most of the rest of the press is reporting that the Kenly, North Carolina police department has quit because a black woman was hired.

They didn’t mention that the previous town manager was also black.

Kenly town manager arrested on sexual battery charge | CBS 17

When the new manager was hired the town was very excited about her.

New town manager to start work in Kenly | The Wilson Times

The reason the police quit is because she created a hostile environment.

Entire police force quits after North Carolina town hires ‘progressive’ town manager |

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Appalachian Flooding


(From the Nashville Union, May 8, 1868)

ABOUT 9 o clock on Wednesday afternoon the heaviest storm of the season swept over Tennessee, varying in strength and fury in different localities At ChatBarooga, and in the Cumberland Mountains torrents of rain and hail fell, again washing away the railroad trestle work at Tantallon, and leaving hailstones on the summit of Racoon Mountain near as large as hen’s eggs In some of the cuts of the mountains the truck of the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad is a foot under water, but little or no time has been lost by the trains

The country between the Hillsboro and Murfreesboro pikes, lying within a range of twelve or thirteen miles, was desolated by the most destructive tornado known in Tennessee since a large portion of Fayetteville was laid in ruins nearly twenty years ago. The path of the hurricane seemed to be about half a mile in width, and it swept over the country amazing course, carry mg death and destruction wherever its resistless which could reach a movable object

Dwelling houses, barns, and outhouses of every description were lifted from their foundations and wrenched to fragments, killing or wounding the inmates, and burying them beneath the ruins Roofs and fence boards took flight in every direction, orchards were laid low and the proud forest trees were piled one upon another, some of them torn up by the roots, and the strong branches of others clinging to the few that stood against the tempest The telegraph line along the Nashville and Decatur rail-road was thrown down for some distance, and large oak leaves were turned upon the lesser winds as far as the southern streets of Nashville

Deep, rolling thunder, and blinding flashes of lightning, accompanied by torrents of rain, followed upon the tornado, and the scene along its route is described to have been OF grand as it was terribly destructive the groaning of the great trees clinging to their strong roots, the crash of falling buildings, the whirring and clattering of flying boards and shingles, mingled with the roar of the tempest as it swept along over the hill and hollow, and whistled spitefully about the corners of the houses and barns its limited scope barely permitted it to touch, made up a confusion of sounds that would have drowned a moving pandemonium”


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Beached Journalists

In 2006, the Washington Post said global warming was drowning baby Walruses off the coast of Alaska, and The Telegraph said global warming was going to starve 400 million people.

15 Apr 2006, 83 – Edmonton Journal at

Al Gore said we only had until the year 2016 to save the planet from global warming.

“unless drastic measures to reduce greenhouse gases are taken within the next 10 years, the world will reach a point of no return, Gore said.”

2006: Al Gore Does Sundance – CBS News

There is lots of ice off the coast of Alaska and nothing but cold weather in the forecast for the next few weeks.

FullSize_CICE_combine_thick_SM_EN_20220728.png (1400×1213)

10-Day Temperature Outlook

Greens have succeeded in creating a food crisis through bad government.

Netherlands proposes radical plans to cut livestock numbers by almost a third | Greenhouse gas emissions | The Guardian

The war on food is ramping up quickly.

Eating Too Much Protein Makes Pee a Problem Pollutant in the U.S. – Scientific American

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Logic And Proportion

“When logic and proportion
Have fallen sloppy dead
And the White Knight is talking backwards
And the Red Queen’s off with her head
Remember what the dormouse said”

Jefferson Airplane  White Rabbit

Heatwave melts nearly 6,000,000,000,000 kgs of Greenland’s ice in 3 days

During the seventy day Greenland melt season from the second week in June to mid-August, Greenland’s surface loses on average 210,000,000,000,000 kg of ice. That is an average of  3,000,000,000,000 per day.

On some days the Greenland ice sheet gains 10.000,000,000,000 kg of mass.

Surface Conditions: Polar Portal

“The Greenland Ice Sheet covers about 80 percent of the world’s largest island, stretching across 1.7 million square kilometers (656,000 square miles)—an area about three times the size of Texas. At its thickest point, the Greenland Ice Sheet measures over 3 kilometers (1.9 miles) thick and contains about 2.9 million cubic kilometers (696,000 cubic miles) of ice. If the entire Greenland Ice Sheet melted, sea level would rise about 7.4 meters (24 feet).”

Ice Sheets | National Snow and Ice Data Center

The area of Ireland is 84,421 km². There is enough ice in the Greenland ice sheet to cover Ireland with 34,000 meters (21 miles) of water.

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Virginia Democrat In Trouble

Virginia Democrat Liz Cheney is running in the Republican Congressional primary here in Wyoming, but she isn’t doing well in the polls.

The poll results are in: Hageman holds commanding lead over Cheney | 307 Politics |

As she normally does, she is looking for ways to undermine the Republican Party and subvert the will of her Republican constituency.

Liz Cheney turns to Democrats to save her hide – POLITICO

Liz Cheney Encourages Wyoming Democrats to Change Parties to Vote for Her – The New York Times

She describes the Republicans of Wyoming whom she is supposed to represent as “crazies.”

Where’s Liz Cheney? The Republican’s Exile From Wyoming Republicans – The New York Times

There are two houses in the blocks north of the Wyoming Capitol Building with Cheney signs. Both also have signs for left-wing Democrat Marguerite Herman, who wants global warming propaganda force-fed to Wyoming schoolchildren.

Wyoming rejects science standards, won’t teach man-made climate change | Al Jazeera America

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“Regardless Of What Trump Says”

Three years ago, the government of Germany made a decision to rely on Russian natural gas, because they thought that was the best way to prevent bad weather in the future.

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Royal Priorities

Twenty-five years after the death of Princess Diana, Prince Charles says “our children are judging us” over a one part per ten thousand increase in CO2 over the past century.

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