New Mexico Megadrought

The Los Alamos, New Mexico golf course this evening. I spent much of my childhood playing golf there and don’t ever remember seeing it this green.

LAC MyDrive Diamond @ FS4 West – Rumble

Los Alamos, NM 10-Day Weather Forecast | Weather Underground

“Nearly half of the drought can be attributed to human-caused climate change, a new study finds.”

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Too Much Snow In New Zealand

New Zealand Ski Area Forced To Close Due to Too Much Snow | Unofficial Networks

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“Glaciers Might Not Be Able To Recover From Climate Change”

The press says Greenland’s Petermann Glacier is disappearing due to the use of fossil fuels and might not be able to recover.

More Damaging Than Previously Thought: Glaciers Might Not Be Able To Recover From Climate Change

Greenland’s Petermann Glacier has been growing about 1km per year for the last ten years.

EOSDIS Worldview

The surface mass balance of Greenland has been above average for four of the last six years and almost every day this summer.

Surface Conditions: Polar Portal

Over the past year there has been a large excess in the accumulated anomaly at lower elevations, where the ice is supposed to be melting.

Surface Conditions: Polar Portal

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Safe And Effective

“New Zealand has set a new high in COVID deaths and currently has one of the highest death rates in the world, despite a continued mask mandate and exceptionally high vaccination and booster rates”

12:46 PM · Jul 20, 2022

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1925 – “remarkable shrinkage of the glaciers”

“Evening Star (Washington, District of Columbia) – 18 Feb 1925, Wed

Spitzbergen Once Closed to Ships From October to May, Now Approachable Through Winter.

By Cable to The Star and Chicago Daily News.

LONDON, February 18.—The latest investigations confirm the theory that the Arctic climate has changed considerably in recent years. The temperature of the gulf stream, which in 1925 was higher more than in the previous year, shows an average increase of from four to five degrees centigrade since 1900, when it was first measured by the explorer Nansen,

The chief proof of the change in climate is the remarkable shrinkage of the glaciers, which have retreated from three to four miles, showing that the mild air has caused corrosion for a considerable time.

Owing to the altered conditions, Spitzbergen, which in former years was isolated by the heavy ice of the ocean from October to May, may be- come approachable in Winter, and for the first time on record a ship has been dispatched there in February.

The milder climate will have the greatest consequences economically as the export of coal, normally begun in the middle of July, can now start two or three months earlier.

Capt. Amundsen, the Danish explorer, is especially favored by the change, as it makes it possible for him to enter his starting place for his polar flight on Kings Bay in April and perhaps sooner.
(Copyright, 1925, by Chicago Daily News Co.)”

18 Feb 1925, 1 – Evening Star at

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Science Dies In Bad Journalism

Yellowstone, other national parks come face to face with climate change – Washington Post

There is no indication in any trend in either precipitation or heavy precipitation at Lake Yellowstone, Wyoming since 1904.

All precipitation events.

Precipitation events over one inch.

In 1988, there were large fires and the Washington Post said Yellowstone was doomed by global warming.

11 Sep 1988, 11 – The Daily Sentinel at

By Jeremy Rifkin The Washington Post

The year is 2035. In New York, palm trees line the Hudson River from 125th Street to the Midtown  exit.

Phoenix is in its third week of temperatures over 130 degrees, and the project to cover the city  with air-conditioned domes is still unfinished.

Holland is under water. Bangladesh has ceased to exist. Torrential rains and rising seas there have killed several mil- lion people and forced the remaining population into makeshift refugee camps on higher ground in Pakistan and India.”

“Writing in Science, Richard A. Kerr points out that ‘‘each one-degree centi- grade of warming pushes climatic zones 100 to 150 kilometers northward,”” Within 60 years, the present climate structure of Yellowstone National Park, for example, will have shifted well into Canada. Trees are not capable of migrating at such speeds.”

04 Sep 1988, 9 – The Olympian at

Lake Yellowstone had their warmest day in 1913, and there is no trend in temperatures over 80F.

Yellowstone is doing just fine.

Yellowstone Rebounded from an Epic 1988 Fire—That May Be Harder in Future – Scientific American

Lodgepole Pines depend on hot fires to reproduce.

Up In Smoke: Why Lodgepole Pines Love A Good Forest Fire – Here By Design

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BBC Conspiracy Theory

The BBC relentlessly promotes the multi-trillion dollar climate scam, and has brought forth a new conspiracy theory that thirty years ago some people spent half a million dollars to undermine it.

The audacious PR plot that seeded doubt about climate change – BBC News

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Democrats Want Term Limits

Democrats installed a person in the Oval Office who has been in Washington DC for 50 years, and now they say they want term limits for Supreme Court justices.

Democrats also begged Ruth Bader Ginsburg not to resign after 27 years on the Supreme Court.

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Climate Crisis Wednesday

The UK government says they will be running “Jet Zero Aviation” by the year 2050. I’m not sure what this will accomplish since AOC and Joe Biden say the world will end around the year 2030, Al Gore put the deadline at 2016 and the UN said we only had until the year 2000.

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Science Dies In Bad Journalism

“The year is 2035. In New York, palm trees line the Hudson River from 125th Street to the Midtown exit.”

– Washington Post September 4, 1988

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