“Many glaciers, like the Jacobshavn Isbrae glacier, have been retreating since the Industrial era. The concern is that soon, their loss may be locked in regardless of future reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.”

Sea Level Rise From Melting Ice Sheets Could Soon Be Locked In | Hackaday

Jakobshavn Glacier Grows for Third Straight Year – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

The surface mass balance has been above average every day this summer and for four out of the last six years.

Surface Conditions: Polar Portal

The Vikings preferred Greenland green during the MWP when they were able to survive, as the subsequent cold wiped them out.

CHANGING CLIMATE INDICATED IN ARCTIC – Professor Griggs Traces Fate of Lost Norse Colonies to Increasing Greenland Cold. TREE ROOTS PIERCE BODIES

Why Did Greenland’s Vikings Vanish? | History| Smithsonian Magazine

The 1990 IPCC report.


Less Ice In Arctic Ocean 6000-7000 Years Ago — ScienceDaily

Holocene Treeline History and Climate Change Across Northern Eurasia – ScienceDirect

The post LIA glacial loss occurred all over the world.

TimesMachine: December 7, 1958 – NYTimes.com

The Present Climatic Fluctuation on JSTOR

29 Dec 1923, Page 5 – at Newspapers.com

04 May 1924, Page 33 – Pittsburgh Daily Post at Newspapers.com

The Grinnell Glacier is still there and has grown over the past thirty years.


(99+) GLACIERS OF THE CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES | Richard Menicke and Carl Key – Academia.edu

The North Pole is having its coldest summer on record.

Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

Last winter was the coldest on record in Antarctica.

The author is a car enthusiast who writes from the comfort of fossil fuel powered controlled indoor climate in Australia.

Lewin Day (@whatuptkhere) / Twitter

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“widespread killings … in Ukraine since January 2014”

“A new report by the United Nations human rights office released today describes widespread killings that have taken place in Ukraine since January 2014, concluding that very limited accountability has taken place.”

UN report finds impunity for killings ‘remains rampant’ in Ukraine conflict | | UN News

“OHCHR estimates that up to 2,000 civilians may have been killed during the armed conflict period, with an additional 298 people killed in the crash of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 on 17 July 2014.42 About 85 to 90 per cent of these deaths, recorded by OHCHR both in the territories controlled by the Government and in the areas controlled by armed groups, are as a result of shelling of populated areas with mortars, canons, howitzers, tanks and multiple launch rocket systems.

None of the armed groups or the Government of Ukraine has taken responsibility for any civilian deaths caused by the conduct of hostilities. OHCHR is not aware of any cases where alleged perpetrators – either those who carried out attacks or those who bore command responsibility – have been brought to justice. As noted by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, instead of responding to, investigating or prosecuting cases of indiscriminate shelling by their own military forces, “each side is dedicating its time to documenting in laudable detail the violations of the other side with a view to continuing their confrontation in national or international courtrooms”


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More From The Upside Down World

Is Joe Biden proving to be a much better president than Donald Trump? – No More Trump

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll – Rasmussen Reports®

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Cross Border Commerce

“executive order signed by President Biden …. including setting up mobile clinics near the borders of states restricting abortion access”

1:55 PM · Jul 8, 2022

Coloradoans come across the border to Wyoming to purchase fireworks, and Wyoming non-birthing parents can cross the other direction to kill their unborn children.

Firework stands just over Wyoming border working to keep up with demand | FOX31

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July 8, 1897 Heatwave

“St. Louis’ Heat Record Broken.

Sr. Louis, Mo., July 8 (1897) —St. Louis broke the country’s heat record this morning with a temperature of 83 degrees at 7 o’clock. Four hours later it was 96. On the streets it has averaged 102 degrees. At midnight it was 90 degrees. This is the tenth day of intense heat in St. Louis and the effects are beginning to show. Sleep indoors has been almost impossible. Five deaths and five prostrations are reported.”

08 Jul 1897, 1 – The Emporia Gazette at Newspapers.com


Five Fatalities Reported In New York City To-day.



The continued seige of hot weather of the past few days was marked to-day by @ number of fatalities and prostrations that are believed to have been directly due to the heat. In this city, however, no cases of either prostration or death from this cause had been reported up to a late hour this afternoon, but in New ‘York City the following sudden deaths were recorded in the Coroner’s office:

Joseph Bergen, six months old 8-Avenue C; Bertha Schultz, seven months old, 80 Avenue B; Charles Regelman, six weeks. old, 369 East Nineteenth street; Aloise T. Mafin, eight years old, 418 East Seventy- third street, and Martha” Tucker, fifty years old, 218 Hast 103d street”

08 Jul 1897, 1 – The Standard Union at Newspapers.com

The five hottest July 8’s in the US were 1936, 1930, 1921, 1897 and 1937.

Forty states were over 90F, sixteen were over 100F and two were over 110F.

AZ 114 AR 110

CO 109 IN 109 NE 108 TX 108 KS 107 IL 106 MS 103 OK 103 SD 103 WI 102 IA 101 KY 101 MO 101 ND 100

ME 99 OH 99 TN 99 UT 99 MA 98 MI 98 WV 98 LA 97 AL 96 MN 96 NM 96 NY 96 WY 96 GA 95 SC 95 VA 95 NV 94 FL 93 MT 93 PA 93 NH 92 CA 91 NJ 91 VT 90

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When your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Journalists only tool for explaining climate changes is the burning of fossil fuels, so they crank out one junk science article after another.

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Is Twitter Getting Fixed?

Twitter is currently trending threads criticizing Bill Gates, Pfizer and Hunter Biden

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“My Body My Choice”

Joe Biden says all Americans deserve the right to choose about issues affecting their health.

FACT SHEET: President Biden to Sign Executive Order Protecting Access to Reproductive Health Care Services | The White House

Excluded from this “right” are unborn children and anyone who doesn’t want to be forced to get a dangerous experimental injection in order to keep their job.

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Ozone Hole Times Seven

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Ozone Hole Times Seven

The new ozone hole is seven times worse than the one which nearly wiped out life on earth during the 1980s.

“preliminary reports showing that ozone depletion levels over equatorial regions are already endangering large populations therein, and the associated UV radiation reaching the regions was far greater than expected”.

‘Huge’ unexpected ozone hole discovered over tropics | The Independent

In 1988, the North Pole ozone hole was worse than the one at the South Pole, “scientists say.”

18 Dec 1988, 90 – The Greenville News at Newspapers.com

“In the 1980s, the planet was in grave danger, not from global warming but from a giant hole in the ozone layer, an atmospheric layer that absorbs most of the sun’s harmful ultraviolet light.”

Ozone Hole: How We Saved the Planet | MIT Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences

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