Listen To The Science Journalists

Scientific American endorsed Joe Biden to save the US from COVID and global warming – and to help the poor. They said he would listen to the scientists.

Scientific American Endorses Joe Biden – Scientific American

Most US COVID-19 deaths occurred under Biden.

United States COVID – Coronavirus Statistics – Worldometer

Biden is crushing the poor with high energy prices.

Gas Station Price Charts – Local & National Historical Average Trends –

US CO2 emissions plummeted under Trump, while China’s skyrocketed to more than double those of the US.

Annual CO? emissions

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Listen To The Science Journalists

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May 8 – “Birthing Parent Day”

National Education Association teachers union proposes resolution to change ‘mother’ to ‘birthing parent’ | Fox News

It might be painful for a man to deliver a baby. Hopefully the teachers will explain the delivery process to their students.

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Satire Or Globalist Policy?

This 2008 satire from the United Nations seems to be a pretty accurate description of how governments operate.

“For those of us at the high end of the social ladder, ending hunger globally would be a disaster. If there were no hunger in the world, who would plow the fields? Who would harvest our vegetables? Who would work in the rendering plants? Who would clean our toilets? We would have to produce our own food and clean our own toilets. No wonder people at the high end are not rushing to solve the hunger problem. For many of us, hunger is not a problem, but an asset.”

The Benefits of World Hunger | United Nations

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“It’s a scientific projection”

Bureau of Meteorology, Queensland on Twitter

“some regions experiencing their lowest numbers on record.”

Qld shivers through bitter cold snap, coldest day in Mackay in 35 years | — Australia’s leading news site

“Imagine, for a moment, a different kind of Australia. One where bushfires on the catastrophic scale of Black Summer happen almost every year. One where 50? days in Sydney and Melbourne are common. Where storms and flooding have violently reshaped our coastlines, and unique ecosystems have been damaged beyond recognition – including the Great Barrier Reef, which no longer exists.

Frighteningly, this is not an imaginary future dystopia. It’s a scientific projection”

Seriously ugly: here’s how Australia will look if the world heats by 3°C this century

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A New Climate Warrior

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2016 – New York Times Complained California Wasn’t Allowing Forest Fires

In 2016, the New York Times said California’s failure to allow forest fires were destroying forest health

Will California Ever Let Sierra Nevada Forests Burn? – The New York Times

In 2018, the New York Times said California was at risk from huge fires, because of forest mismanagement.

“California Today: 100 Million Dead Trees Prompt Fears of Giant Wildfires”

Mark A. Finney, an expert in fire behavior for the U.S. Forest Service and an author of the study, says California forests are much more vulnerable now because, paradoxically, they have been better protected. In their natural state, forests were regularly thinned by fire but the billions of dollars that the state spends aggressively fighting wildfires and restrictions on logging have allowed forests to accumulate an overload of vegetation.

How might the dead-tree forests affect California? One of the most striking concerns is the damage the fires might do to watersheds. Intense, hot-burning fires could disrupt forests’ ability to channel water into the Sierra reservoirs that provide cities like San Francisco with drinking water. That’s a scenario that could nudge the state into rethinking its forest management.

California Today: 100 Million Dead Trees Prompt Fears of Giant Wildfires – The New York Times

President Trump agreed with them.

Apparently it is against New York Times rules to agree with President Trump – so the science changed.

Trump’s Misleading Claims About California’s Fire ‘Mismanagement’ – The New York Times

Decades of bad forest management is now called “climate change.”

“US representatives tour Yosemite National Park, discuss plans to fight climate change”

“Our forests are now catastrophically overgrown. The Sierra are carrying four times the timber density that the land can support. Those beautiful forests are now falling victim to disease, pestilence, drought, and ultimately, catastrophic wildfire,” McClintock said. “We have legislation that was just introduced to provide for more active forest thinning to protect groves like the Sequoia, but we need to extend that throughout the forest system.”

US representatives tour Yosemite National Park, discuss plans to fight climate change | KATU

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Ukrainian Comedian Sad About UK Comedian

“Friend Boris Johnson, all Ukrainians were saddened by the news of the resignation of the leader of the Conservative Party.”

– Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

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July 7, 1930 Heatwave

On July 7, 1930 twenty-seven states were over 100F and forty-one states were over 90F

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“Great University of Unlearning”

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