Error As Large As The Trend

Satellite sea level measurements have an error just as large as the trend they claim to measure. They hide this by using a different color scale in their error maps

Global mean sea level results

I created this version of their error map by adjusting the color scales to be the same in both maps.

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Heating Laboulaye, Argentina

The thermometer data from Laboulaye, Córdoba Province, Argentina shows no warming since 1950. but NOAA tampers with the data to create 4F/century warming. They do this by cooling older temperatures by as much as 2.74F.

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Everyone Else Is The Problem

Michael Mann and Peter Hotez are collaborating on a book which explains that everyone else is responsible for their own corruption and incompetence.

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Adjusting Salta, Argentina

The thermometer data from Salta, Argentina shows no warming since 1900. but NOAA tampers with the data to create 2.1F/century warming. They do this by cooling 1949-2020 temperatures by 0.5F and 1900-1948 temperatures by 2.1F

Salta, Argentina Metro Area Population 1950-2024 | MacroTrends

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Jimmy Dore Show

I was talking about climate on the Jimmy Dore show yesterday.

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Climate Data Corruption Business (Part 2)

More detail on the massive fraud underlying both the US and global temperature records.

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The End Of Journalism

On the tenth anniversary of the New York Times announcing the end of snow due to global warming, CTV announces that heavy snow is due to global warming.

Opinion | The End of Snow? – The New York Times

N.S. news: Snowfalls could increase as planet warms | CTV News

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Rapidly Rising Sea Level

A look at how government agencies rewrite history to keep their sea level scam alive.

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Global Boiling In Japan

“A pod of at least 10 killer whales appears to be trapped by sea ice off Japan’s northern island of Hokkaido, public broadcaster NHK reported on Tuesday.”

Pod of at least 10 killer whales appears trapped by sea ice in Japan

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Rapidly Rising Sea Level

In 2018 NASA showed fairly steady sea level rise since 1870, but the rate from their satellites was nearly double that.

Sea Level | Vital Signs – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

So they altered the historical data to make the tide gauges and satellites line up.

Sea Level | Vital Signs – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

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