Ranking States By Intelligence

Three years ago the New York Times published this chart showing Wyoming had the most intelligent residents, and Vermont and Massachusetts ranked at the bottom.

Opinion | How to Overcome Vaccine Hesitancy – The New York Times

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“veer from the scientific consensus”

“Ms. Leslie said her employer rejected her request for a medical exemption; Ms. Conrad referenced vaccine side effects she claimed to have seen but that veer from the scientific consensus”

“Experts have called the mandate a clear-cut way for health care workers to prevent new waves of the virus from spreading”

Oct. 18, 2021

These Health Care Workers Would Rather Get Fired Than Get Vaccinated – The New York Times

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Fake, Missing, Incomplete Data

I begin my explorations of the global temperature record in 1878.

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Erasing 1878

The worldwide drought and record heat of 1876-1878 killed fifty million people.

A freak 1870s climate event caused drought across three continents | New Scientist

Late Victorian Holocausts: El Niño Famines and the Making of the Third World , Davis, Mike – Amazon.com

It has been clear since the 1980s that the 1877-78 El Niño was intense. “Now we have a lot more data,” says Singh. “This event was the strongest El Niño that has occurred since the 1850s.” Sea surface temperatures remained high for 16 months. That makes it bigger than the huge El Niños of 1997-98 and 2015-16. A nexus of impacts But that’s not all. In 1877 a second climate cycle, the Indian Ocean Dipole, was active – meaning the western Indian Ocean was warmer than the east. This typically weakens India’s monsoons. “It was the strongest Indian Ocean Dipole on record,” says Singh. The Atlantic Ocean was also unusually warm from 1877 to 1879. “Following the El Niño, it peaked to the most extreme temperatures on record,” says Singh.

A freak 1870s climate event caused drought across three continents | New Scientist

This came at the peak of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation.

Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs

New South Wales’ all-time record temperature of 127F occurred on January 17, 1877.


There was no winter in Minnesota that year.

19 Mar 1878, Page 2 – Star Tribune at Newspapers.com

CRUTEM5 shows 1878 below average temperature.

Met Office Hadley Centre observations datasets

But they only had coverage of a small percentage of the planet.  They showed southeast Australia as being average,

Maximum temperatures at Bourke, NSW average 41.5C, which is 5C above average.

Average temperatures were 3.5C above average.

For the entire year, CRUTEM5 showed the region below average

For the entire year Bourke was about 2C above average

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Dead Teslas

“Tesla supercharging station packed in Oak Brook, dead cars line parking lot due to frigid temps”

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“no glaciers on Mont Blanc in the Middle Ages”

“Kalgoorlie Miner (WA : 1895 – 1954), Wednesday 14 August 1929, page 7


In the opinion of M. Auguste Bouchayer, scientist and engineer, there were no glaciers in Europe in the Middle Ages. In a recent com-munication to the Dauphine Scien-tific Society, he submits the conclu-sion that since the Middle Ages there has been a considerable fall in the maximum summer tempera-

ture. Consequently winter snows and ice accumulations which were formerly melted in summer are no longer dissipated. Mont Blanc, he points out, is under 16,000 ft. in height, and, as in the thirteenth century the maxi-mum summer temperature was capable of melting snow and ice at a much greater height than that, there could in those times be no eternal snow on its summit. Glaciers, he adds, are dependent for their formation and existence on eternal snows; therefore, there can have been no glaciers on Mont Blanc in the Middle Ages.

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Flat Earth Society

A short video showing that mainstream climate academia clings to beliefs which would only work on a flat earth.

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Real Time Climate Fakery

I used to have to do a little work to expose climate lies from the press and academics, but they have gotten so ridiculous I can put these videos together now in a few minutes.

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“Missing A Ton Of Snow”

““Once snow goes off a cliff, it accelerates off a cliff,” Mankin said.”

“From what I’m seeing so far, it doesn’t appear to be a pattern that will completely wipe out snow drought conditions,” McEvoy said.

“Their research suggests many Northern Hemisphere basins are nearing quick losses that could reshape water supplies for more than 2 billion people.”

The U.S. is missing a ton of snow — even with recent storms

rutgers_daily_dep.png (457×532)

nsm_ave_temp_24hr_2024011405_National.jpg (801×458)

A snow gauge west of Laramie has recorded more than four feet of snow over the last two days.

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NOHRSC Interactive Snow Information

There is a significant positive anomaly in the amount of water stored in snow in the Northern Hemisphere.

fmi_swe_tracker.jpg (800×600)

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Carbon Negative Wyoming

The Wyoming governor wants the state to be carbon negative. We did some research this afternoon to test his idea out.

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