1968 Deja Vu In LA

The Democratic Party establishment using the same tactics as sixty years ago.

10:23 PM · Sep 15, 2023

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Google Believes In Science

Google teams up with John Cook to cancel the 2022 Nobel Prize winner in physics.

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“Energy investor. Climate change is real”

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Michael Mann Weighs In On Science

11:34 AM · Sep 15, 2023

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Tilting At Windmills

Meaningless goals to solve a non-existent problem based on fake data and junk science – using 13th century technology to power a 21st century civilization.

4:44 AM · Sep 14, 2023

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A Time Of Global Boiling

“To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under the heaven”. The verse continues, “A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up”
– Ecclesiastes 3:1


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Saving San Francisco

Rather than dealing with the real problems they created in San Francisco, the left-wing Democrats who run the city choose to focus on stopping imaginary sea level rise.


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Democracy Dies In Darkness

The Washington Post motto is “Democracy Dies In Darkness” – which also seems to be their mission statement.

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Hottest Imaginary August Ever

NOAA says August was the hottest ever, including record heat in the Congo – where they don’t have any thermometer data.

9:04 AM · Sep 14, 2023

202308.png (990×765)

The other NOAA map doesn’t look so scary.

Global Mapping | Climate at a Glance | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

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4-9 Degrees Warming At The Great Lakes By 2030

In 1988, experts predicted the Great Lakes states would warm 4-9 degrees and the lakes would lose 2-9 feet of water by the year 2030. This would cause millions of people to migrate there.

30 Sep 1988, Page 3 – Detroit Free Press at Newspapers.com

Average temperatures at the Great Lakes states peaked in 1921 and are about the same now as they were at the end of the 19th century.

The frequency of hot days in the region has plummeted over the past century to record lows.

There has been no trend in Great Lakes water levels over the past century.

Great Lakes Dashboard – HTML5

The Great Lakes Go Dry: How One-Fifth Of The World’s Fresh Water Is Dwindling Away – ThinkProgress

Last January, the “Great Lakes News Collaborative” predicted record low Great Lakes ice cover.

“The Great Lakes News Collaborative includes Bridge Michigan; Circle of Blue; Great Lakes Now at Detroit Public Television; and Michigan Radio, Michigan’s NPR News Leader; who work together to bring audiences news and information about the impact of climate change

Lake Michigan and Lake Huron are both likely to see less ice than ever at peak freeze in 2022. “Michigan and Huron were both projected to be lower than they’ve been as far as the maximum ice cover for the year, about 10 and 12%, respectively, where the lowest on record was about 13 and 23%, respectively.”


Great Lakes researchers predict record-low ice coverage – Great Lakes Now

A few weeks later ice cover was right at the 1980-2010 median.


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