Climate Fakery Part 9

NASA is attempting to scam the public about climate with a red hot map that has nothing to do with what they want people to believe it is.

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Coping With The Climate Mental Health Crisis

New Yorker Magazine discusses how much mental illness is necessary to prevent bad weather in the future. Kirye, Toki and Sakura were kind enough to demonstrate how they cope.

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“Hmm…this page doesn’t exist”

This Twitter post was available yesterday, but is gone now.

“Yes, the laptop is Russia. 19:16 – Oct 22, 2020”

8:16 PM · Oct 22, 2020

However it is still available on the Internet Archive

Barb McQuade auf Twitter: “Yes, the laptop is Russia.”

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“What Happens When Science Goes Bad”

“In my studies of the suppression of dissent, I have come across many cases similar to Pascal’s, in which an unorthodox idea is prevented from being heard, especially if it is threatening to a powerful interest group.”

Pascal, “What happens . . . “, 1991

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Climate Fact Checkers

The purpose of climate fact checkers is to attempt to interrupt any serious conversation about climate, and replace it with official disinformation.

“No, wildfires weren’t bigger in the 1920s and ‘30s than today”

“The data suffered from double and triple counting, and in the 1920s and 1930s, federal officials wrongly recorded millions of acres of intentional fires as wildfires.”

PolitiFact | No, wildfires weren’t bigger in the 1920s and ‘30s than today

The vast majority of recent fires are also started by humans, and the Heartland statement made no mention of “wildfires.” There were discrepancies in the way the number of fires were counted, but there is no discontinuity or discrepancy for burn acreage. The Heartland statement was correct, and the Politifact fact-check was completely false.


Forest Fires and how You Can Prevent Them – Google Books

TimesMachine: October 9, 1938 –

Wayback Machine

The fire count shows a sharp discontinuity around 1983, but there is no discontinuity in bur acreage,

National Interagency Fire Center

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Biden Putting China In Charge

“There’s a special irony to the fact that U.S. Treasury Secretary @SecYellen , the face of “Bidenomics,” just abased herself on a disastrous diplomatic trip to China. Literally as she arrived, China implemented export controls on lithium & cobalt which are essential for electric vehicles. Yet China’s export controls are only harmful to us because we embraced the EV cult at all. EV subsidies are a core tenet of “Bidenomics,” but that’s what now allows China to point an economic gun to our head which in turn causes the likes of Yellen & Blinken to act like supplicating lapdogs to Xi Jinping. It’s a self-inflicted double-whammy: this is how disastrous economic policy paves the way for disastrous foreign policy. That’s the Biden way.”

7:21 PM · Jul 9, 2023 

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“everything you need to know”

“The media praised Cuties but criticizes the Sound Of Freedom. That should tell you everything you need to know.”

11:11 AM · Jul 8, 2023

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July 9, 1936 – Hottest Day On Record In New York City


New York Gasps in the Highest Temperature in Bureau’s History.


Mercury in Times Square at 115 —Throngs Sleep in Streets, Parks and on Beaches.


Searing Wave Sweeps Entire East—Cyclonic New England Storm Does Wide Damage.

New York and the East generally gasped in the highest temperatures in recorded weather history here yesterday as searing blasts of heat, borne out of the parched drought areas of the Middle West, con- verted city, town and country into one vast oven.

‘The official high reading in New York City of 102.3 was taken at 2:50 P. M., 415 feet above the sun- baked pavements and melting asphalt roadways, by Weather Bureau officials on the roof of the Whitehall Building and tempered by bay breezes.

But it did not tell the true story. The instrument for measuring the sun’s intensity set up in the Central Park Observatory by David R. Morris, meteorologist, gave a reading of 145 degrees at 12:40 P, M., while the reading in the shade was 106 degrees at 5 P. M.

115 in Times Square

In Times Square, where the western wind carried the heat against the faces of pedestrians, there were unofficial readings of 115 degrees, due to heat reflection from the sidewalks. In the canyons of the financial district men and: women. reported the heat waves visible”

TimesMachine: Friday July 10, 1936 –

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Coping With Climate Emotions

New Yorker Magazine explains what is the right amount of mental illness to prevent future bad weather.

What to Do with Climate Emotions | The New Yorker

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NBC News : Southern US Getting Too Hot For Humans

People are fleeing the cold northern states and moving to the warm southern states, but NBC News says the southern states are getting too hot to live.

State Migration Data | State-to-State Migration Trends | Tax Foundation

According to the National Climate Assessment, peak temperatures in most of the southeastern US are cooler than they were before 1960.


Temperature Changes in the United States – Climate Science Special Report

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