Early October Snow In Turkey

Winter is getting off to a fast start in most of Europe and around the Black Sea.


Snow is forecast for Turkey, Romania and Northern Europe during the next three days.


The high temperature in Moscow for next Wednesday is forecast to be only 2C.

The Arctic Oscillation is about to take a big dip, meaning lots of cold headed south.


And it gets much colder next week. Lots of snow headed to northern and Eastern Europe.






About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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21 Responses to Early October Snow In Turkey

  1. ChrisD says:

    Thanks for the weather report.

    • You are welcome.

      During July, the weather report in Moscow was touted by the climate science community as being climate.


      Cold is weather. Hot is climate. The rules of this shell game are very simple.

      • ChrisD says:

        the weather report in Moscow was touted by the climate science community as being climate

        That’s not actually what the BBC story says, but whatever.

      • “Climate change ‘partly to blame’ for sweltering Moscow “

      • ChrisD says:

        Correct. Is that the same as what you said?

        You: “Hot weather is climate.”

        BBC: “Climate is partly responsible for weather.”

        Two very different statements.

      • Jeff Knight, a climate variability scientist at the UK Met Office, attributed the situation in Moscow to a number of factors, among them greenhouse gas concentrations, which are steadily rising.

      • ChrisD says:

        Yes. Exactly what I said. Climate is partly responsible for weather. Not at all the same thing as “Hot is climate.”

      • We suffered through a month of Moscow is global warming BS.

        Now the same culprits aren’t interested in Moscow weather. I wonder why?

      • ChrisD says:

        There’s a big difference, Steve, between these two statements:

        1. It’s cold in South Mudflap this morning, therefore global warming is a hoax.

        2. The frequency of extremely hot weather events has greatly increased, which is entirely consistent with the thinking on AGW. AGW can therefore be reasonably considered to be a factor–but not the only factor–in extreme events.

    • Mike M. says:

      Would you prefer a report on how we will be stomping a mudhole in your already tepid political support, Dudley? Here you go…


      I forgot. Your not into politics. How about a hint at this coming winter’s temperatures…


      • ChrisD says:

        Just wondering if you’ll ever post a comment that:

        1. actually responds to the point being made, and

        2. manages to do so without resorting to third-grade name calling.

        My guess: Probably not.

      • Mike M. says:

        Chris, my aim is to break your spirit, just like Dano and Anna Haynes and Tenney and melty and the rest of you DotEarthers. They left for the echo chambers and so can you. I’ll just continue to knock on doors and get my Tea Party endorsed candidate elected to congress. It will be nice to know that while he is there, it will be one less vote for costly, needless “climate change” legislation. Say, would you like to contribute??


      • ChrisD says:

        Chris, my aim is to break your spirit

        Yeah, calling me “Dudley” and avoiding any semblance of rational discussion will do that, fer sure. Absolutely.

      • Mike M. says:

        Heh. You mean your’e not Chris Dudley from DotEarth? Gee, what are the odds? Oh well, if you’re not, then welcome! As Bill Goldberg used to say: “You’re next!”

      • ChrisD says:

        No, I’m not Chris Dudley.

        At least that explains why you kept calling me “Dudley.”

      • Mike M. says:

        That’s too funny. So where do you normally comment? I’m actually glad to see multiple Alarmists here. Most climate blogs are echo chambers, both pro and con. You guys will make it more interesting for the short amount of time left on this subject.

  2. ES says:

    Europe has more snow, on this date this year, than it did last year. However North America is the opposite.

  3. ES says:

    Hurricane OTTO is listed as MAX Sustained Wind of 75 MPH. A tropical storm is from 39 – 73 MPH. So by 2 MPH, OTTO is classified as a Hurricane. Although it may get stronger, I doubt it if it follows the path shown, because it is headed into colder water.

  4. Douglas DC says:

    That Snow cover problem in the Northern Hemisphere is about to be resolved .
    Note the Unisys link picture of the White Witch in the central pacific above…

  5. fishnski says:


    PS..Just linked this site to DCSKI.Com Steve..

  6. neill says:

    What is the link that ‘proves’ CO2 drives “catastrophic global warming”?

    My understanding is there is a slight provable warming from CO2, but the lion’s share of projected “catastrophic warming” is due to the amplifying effect of positive feedback — a link which no one has been able to establish to my knowledge. IMHO, negative feedback (the moderating properties of H2O, primarily) keeps the climate in balance.

    So you want to radically restructure the global economy, in the midst of an economic crisis, based on a phenomenon the existence of which is not proven?

    You’d improve the global economy’s odds just sticking to the slot machines.

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