Al Gore December 2009 : “Snow and ice across the planet are melting much faster than anticipated”

Every school child in the world is exposed to the rantings of this genius.

COPENHAGEN, Denmark, December 14, 2009 (ENS) – Snow and ice across the planet are melting much faster than anticipated, and the cryosphere – the Earth’s ice and snow cover – is very vulnerable to climate change, finds a new report presented today at the United Nations Climate Summit by former U.S. Vice President Al Gore and Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre.

h/t to hauntingthelibrary and Marc Morano

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Al Gore December 2009 : “Snow and ice across the planet are melting much faster than anticipated”

  1. Latitude says:

    Isn’t it just amazing what a 1/2 degree rise in temperature can cause…..

  2. maguro says:

    Foreign Minister Støre said, “We need an emergency plan for the crysosphere, with immediate measures to save as much of our ice and snow cover as possible.

    That must have been a great emergency plan. A little over a year later, the missing snow has been returned and then some.

  3. Lazarus says:

    Steve, sorry to burst your anti-science bubble but Snow and ice across the planet are melting much faster than anticipated. Denying the science and the data in favour of a few cherry picked areas and years does nothing to change the trend.

  4. NoMoreGore says:

    Now, Now, guys, the Goracle may have been momentarily correct! Snow DOES melt quickly in Florida! And we briefly had snow in all 50 states last year as I recall. Al was merely observing that, as the interior of earth (boiling at millions of degrees) re-warmed the surface, there was a period of rapid ice loss in the tropics.

    See! Science! 🙂

  5. Andy Weiss says:

    But the bottom line is that it is very, very senitive to AGW, thus snowcover can go up as well as down!

  6. Scott says:

    “melting much faster than anticipated”

    This means they had their math wrong the first time, why should we assume they know anything now? I’m not an unreasonable person, I’ll concede to concrete evidence of significant AGW, but this I have yet to see.

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