Maybe he can run his airplanes off wind power.
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Which clean energy does Branson’s Virgin Galactic Space tourism enterprise use?
Actually Steve,
Branson’s planes Do run on windpower. they are called jet engines!
Ya, it’s all wind Tony. How brilliant.
Is that your final answer Tony? Or were you trying to be funny?
The pull up to a wind pump and fill the tanks with wind. That’s what they do.
They pull, not the pull
Don’t give up your day job, Tony.
Don’t have a day job. Branson Soros and Gore pay me $100 a comment to try to confuse the anti climate heros on blogs like this.
Ohhh, that’s a funny one too Tony.
No they run on jet fuel.
Actually they run on jet fuel and wind. that is what makes jet engines so efficient
One of Richard’s mates?
Ted Turner is blaming Obama for the money he probably lost going long on Carbon Credits LOL
What more can you expect from Mr Jane Fonda?
Obviously Bert Rutan hasn’t been able to convince Richard Branson that Climate Change is a lemon.
Or Branson never saw Burt Rutan’s Climate Presentation
He and Branson have a bet. He knows all about Burt Rutan’s view of global warming.
Wow. I’m showing this around to my colleagues – a tax avoiding billionaire flies his private jet to a beach in Mexico to tell us we all need to pay more tax while we take a bus to work our asses of in the freezing cold to pay taxes for “summits” on beaches in Mexico. This is AGW.
Of course he’d call for global CO2 taxes on everybody – he knows full well that his accountants will see to it that he won’t have to pay even the fraction of a penny of that tax.
Ah yes, more hypocrisy on display in global warming. They do a bang up job of ruining their own cause. More power to them.
What a lying asshole Branson is. The fixes he suggests below still increase GHGs and are far worse than cars because the GHGs are emitted at 30,000 feet. This is another case of charity for the rich by placing cost burdens on poorer people (those who don’t fly) to help the rich (frequent fliers). If the airline industry really feels they need go to fuel that is 4 times more expensive, then they need to have a global mandate which will be paid for directly by increasing ticket prices. Keeping ticket prices artificially low encourages more flying and increases GHGs. How stupid are these people in Cancun?
“Branson said that Virgin planes could fly on biofuels within three to five years. “The biggest prize has to be clean fuel. We are investing 100% of our profits from aviation into fuel research. It looks like fuel derived from algae or isobutanal should be powering our aircraft. Both have got products going into test phases. We are perhaps three to five years away.”