“Challenging Times For Climate Jihadists”


Published Date: 26 December 2010
By Gerald Warner

WEATHER is not climate. Grasp that crucial distinction and you have the essence of the situation, a gnostic insight that will enable you to, er, weather the current cold snap while clinging faithfully to the revealed truth of anthropogenic global warming (AGW). The ex cathedra dogma that weather is not climate has the authoritative resonance of similar Orwellian Newspeak maxims such as “War is peace”.
Beware, above all, of succumbing to a false consciousness, of imagining that a few snowdrifts somehow discredit the metaphysical reality of global warming. Those gifted with climate gnosis arguably have a duty to proclaim their faith by dressing in Bermuda shorts and bikinis, to dispel the illusion of Arctic conditions. This is another area in which the Scottish Parliament, a tabernacle of AGW piety, might profitably impose a ban on people wrapping up in warm clothing, for is that not implicit climate change denial?

These are challenging times for climate jihadists. Last week the Met Office was forced to issue a press release stating it “categorically denies forecasting a ‘mild winter’ “. In fact, in October, its long-range probability map predicted an 80 per cent probability of warmer than average temperatures from November to January in Scotland. It claimed Scotland, along with Northern Ireland, the eastern half of England and Cornwall, would experience temperatures above the 3.7°C average, more than 2°C higher than last winter.

Perversely, those are precisely the regions most ravaged by blizzard conditions; but the Met Office now insists that was not a forecast. Apparently, just as weather is not climate, a Met Office map predicting an 80 per cent likelihood of higher temperatures is not a forecast. The Met Office is notoriously zealous in warmist propaganda. Its chairman, Robert Napier, is also chairman of the trustees of the Carbon Disclosure Project and of the Green Fiscal Commission – so, no conflict of interests there.

The global warming Mormons of Nasa are so disturbed by public perception that this winter is verging on the chilly across the northern hemisphere that they have produced a map showing areas where they claim alarmingly high temperatures are prevailing, such as the middle of the Arctic Ocean. As sceptics have pointed out, all the hotspots highlighted coincide with places where there are no weather stations, so clearly it is the trusty computers that are generating these high temperatures.

Of the fragile construct of global warming mythology there is hardly a domino left standing. Declining polar bear population? Since 1970 the world population of polar bears has ‘declined’ from 5,000 to 25,000.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to “Challenging Times For Climate Jihadists”

  1. Brian G Valentine says:

    Getting too hot in the UK? Well, here’s your solution, right here

    • Paul H says:

      The conclusion says it all really, Brian.

      “At an international level the need for an equitable division of labour involving a planned economy, that produces for social need, utilising all the latest technology is the only real solution to the current problem of global warming. This would release humankind from the drudgery of wage-slavery and release the latent talents of 3 billion people. Marx once suggested that the world faces the choice of “socialism or barbarism”, global warming gives Marx’s words a new sense of urgency. ”


  2. Al Gored says:

    Thanks Steven. Great article.

  3. These are challenging times for climate jihadists. Last week the Met Office was forced to issue a press release stating it “categorically denies forecasting a ‘mild winter’ “. In fact, in October, its long-range probability map predicted an 80 per cent probability of warmer than average temperatures from November to January in Scotland. It claimed Scotland, along with Northern Ireland, the eastern half of England and Cornwall, would experience temperatures above the 3.7°C average, more than 2°C higher than last winter.

    Perversely, those are precisely the regions most ravaged by blizzard conditions; but the Met Office now insists that was not a forecast.

    The truth, ain’t it a b*@#h!

  4. Justa Joe says:


  5. Andy Weiss says:

    Heavy snow and near blizzard conditions this morning in eastern North Carolina, a place the normally gets very little snow.

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