Guardian : It Is Just In The UK


The final ranking for 2010 will not become clear until November and December data are available in early 2011, but November global temperatures are similar to those observed in November 2005, suggesting that despite the freezing weather across the UK, 2010 is on track for near record levels.

It must be hot everywhere else.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Guardian : It Is Just In The UK

  1. MikeTheDenier says:

    Global Warming: The secretary of energy says the U.S. doesn’t need to be 100% certain humans are heating the planet to enact policies to mitigate climate change. Apparently just a hunch will do.

    • Green Sand says:

      Same in the UK:

      Chris Huhne speech to CBI earlier this year:-

      “Exactly how fast carbon emissions are changing our climate – and exactly what that change will mean – may be unknown.

      But uncertainty is no excuse for inaction.

      And actually, the search for certainty is misguided.

      Rather than being caught up in absolutes, we should prefer to think in terms of probability – and risk.”

      The search for certainty is misguided! Staggering and £18billion a year.

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    Those people who live along Baffin Bay are sweltering!

  3. AndyW says:

    Arctic is looking pretty warm, anomaly wise, will be fascinated to see how this plays out on the extent this winter and next summer.

    My 4,75M km2 minima for 2011 is looking good so far !


  4. Andy Weiss says:

    Andy W-could you please interpret that last sentence for me. It seems very mysterious.

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