Hansen Should Probably Check His Own Data Before Writing Articles

The average warming of European winters is at least as large as the average warming of summers, but it is less noticeable because of the much greater variability in winter.


Over the past decade, GISS shows European winters cooling at a rate of more than 5°C/century. Russian winters are cooling faster than 40°C/century. US and Alaskan winters are also cooling very quickly.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Hansen Should Probably Check His Own Data Before Writing Articles

  1. Hansen Should Probably Check His Own Data

    That would assume he cares about the data.

  2. Dave N says:

    ..or he should at least say where the data is coming from that those statements are based on.. apparently, they’re in his head and nowhere else.

  3. Bob Tisdale with a post on James Hansen’s “warmest year ever”

    Using correlation maps, animations, graphs and a youtube video, the post shows how leftover warm water from an El Nino gets spun up into the Kuroshio-Oyashio Extension (KOE)


  4. Scott says:

    Notice essentially all the red/dark orange is near areas of gray (no data)?


  5. Paul MacRae says:

    I suspect you mean Russian winters are cooling by 4°C, not 40°C.

  6. Paul MacRae says:

    Wow! That’s back to the ice age territory….

  7. Mike says:

    Selective quoting is fun isn’t?

    Hansen wrote: “Figure 3, from our paper, shows that 7 of the last 10 European winters were warmer than the 1951-1980 average winter, and 10 of the past 10 summers were warmer than climatology. The average warming of European winters is at least as large as the average warming of summers, but it is less noticeable because of the much greater variability in winter.”

    Your graphic only gives the trend of the last 10 years. It does not compare this period with the 1951-1980 period as Hansen did.

    • 1951-1980 was the ice age scare. as the director of CRU warned. Nice cherry pick.

      The point is – Hansen said winters continue to warm, when obviously his own data shows that he is wrong.

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