If We Tell More And Bigger Scare Stories, Maybe We Can Still Keep The Funding Coming In

Climate science is fun!

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to If We Tell More And Bigger Scare Stories, Maybe We Can Still Keep The Funding Coming In

  1. suyts says:

    Yah, I’m thinking of trying to sign up for that gig! lol, but they’re going to have to move even further south. 53 degrees is simply too cold for an old man is speedos. lol

  2. Gavin says:

    I’m thinking that urgent research needs to be undertaken in relation to the fertility of bovine manure with relation to global warming.
    Do you think funding would be readily available?

  3. Mohib says:

    Scare stories was the story from Day 1:

    “[T]o capture the public’s imagination … we have to offer up some scary scenarios, make simplified dramatic statements and little mention of any doubts one might have…. Each of us has to decide the right balance between being effective, and being honest.” — STEPHEN SCHNEIDER (1989), contributor to all four IPCC reports. [88]


  4. Mohib says:

    “Unless we announce disasters no one will listen.” — JOHN HOUGHTON (1994), first co-chair of the IPCC WG1. [89]

  5. Ian says:

    Which one in the picture is Vicky Pope?

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