Life Inside The Ivory Tower

Revkin laments that “only 6% of American scientists are Republican.” What he doesn’t understand is that Republican scientists and engineers generally work in private industry, where they make twice as much money and can work in a productive/respectful environment.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Life Inside The Ivory Tower

  1. Mike Mangan says:

    It was a flawed survey of AAAS, an organization already loaded with lefties. Republican scientists go out and create wealth. Democratic scientists live off the government teat. The usual hateful bigotry is on display in the comments. Why, Republicans don’t even believe in science and they’re all Creationists anyway!

    Imagine, trying to convince your country to literally help save the world and at the exact same moment spit on the values and culture of over half of its population.

  2. U NO HOO says:

    I am a Christian with a Bachelor of Science degree. Humans and dinosaurs didn’t coexist. “Evolution”, that is, natural selection, survival of the fittest, is real.

    • Scott says:

      What’s funny is that your last two sentences are effectively unrelated to each other. By that I mean that one can be the opposite of what you said and not affect the other.


  3. Layne Blanchard says:

    Those who can, do.

  4. rdean says:

    Read the “Wedge Document”. It fully outlines why there are so few Republican or Conservatives in science.
    The thing I don’t understand is why would anyone think there are more Republican scientists than the relatively few that actually exist? Science is all about examination and study. The right already has all the answers. Anything that “refudiates” their idea of reality is NOT to be believed.

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