Met Office Brags About Their Climate Prediction Skills

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Met Office Brags About Their Climate Prediction Skills

  1. Dave N says:

    Doesn’t look like they’re bragging about their current skills.. more like what they should be. The whole thing rings of “we’re getting it so wrong now.. please send more money”

  2. Alan Simpson says:

    It is starting to make me embarrassed to be English, sigh.

  3. thechuckr says:


  4. omnologos says:

    People using the idiotic oxymoron, “climate prediction”, automatically disqualify themselves as “scientists” and earn the badge of “political activists”.

    • Mike Davis says:

      They should hang a sign showing the palm of a hand at the entrance to the MET offices! There would need to be a few stars and a crescent moon on the palm of the hand.
      The wording can be Madame Julia’s house of predictions!

  5. Garwoodv6 says:

    Yeah… the Weather forecasters have been accurately predicting the weather on the evening news for Decades…

    We call it “The daily Weather Guess”

  6. How many bets did they lose to Piers Corbyn again?

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