Moscow To Ring In The New Year At -20C

For some reason, the press isn’t interested in Moscow weather any more.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Moscow To Ring In The New Year At -20C

  1. Casper says:

    Hi Steven,
    We already had a huge snow storm in Germany. You can find more information at Der Spiegel (in English). Please consider to review the gallery 🙂,1518,735270,00.html
    Best greetings from Germany

  2. PJB says:

    You have to get with the program! It isn’t CAGCooling….

    yet… 😉

  3. Jussi says:

    Because -20 C in new year is a normal temperature in Moscow. All time record low is -40 C.

    It going to be a warm new year in Scandinavia. Only -15 C !

  4. Perry says:


    You write about Scandinavia being warm, only -15 C, in the new year, without drawing any attention to the fact that SvD have just reported the coldest December in 135 years.

    You cherrypick & you omit facts that are an inconvenient truth to you. You also ignored a response from Stephen informing you that the normal January 1 temperature in Moscow is about -6C, NOT your unsubstantiated claim that -20 C in new year (January 1?) is a normal temperature in Moscow. What’s your authority for that claim?

    Did you know why it was hot in Russia last summer? Read these, if you have an open mind?

    It’s said that to embrace new ideas, it’s essential to relinquish old ideas. Right now you are suffering from a case of Cognitive Dissonance, exacerbated by your inability to correctly explain the NH extreme abundance of solid Dihydrogen monoxide. Hint, it’s not anthropogenic, unfortunately, it’s far worse.

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