Mother Nature Sends Her Rapid Response Team To Scientific American

Earlier this week, Scientific American wrote :

Mother Nature (described by Monbiot as a Republican) – quickly responded :

Too bad the climate liars “rapid response team” isn’t able to respond to any of my questions.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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19 Responses to Mother Nature Sends Her Rapid Response Team To Scientific American

  1. Mike Davis says:

    So California is not designed to handle that amount of water. The Sierras can handle the snow but it will stop traffic for a couple of days.

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    I thought La Nina was supposed to be dry in California.

  3. Too bad the climate liars “rapid response team” isn’t able to respond to any of my questions.

    You see, you keep bringing up that annoying science. You expect them to know how to reply to it?


  4. 14 feet of snow in California mountains? That map must be old. Snow is a thing of the past.


    It is the third winter in a row that Britain has been left largely snowbound, and hit by record low temperatures.

    BERLIN — Heavy overnight snowfall disrupted air travel across western Europe Friday, forcing more than 800 flight cancellations and leading to major delays in Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland.

    Germany appeared the hardest hit by the snow…..

    British Airways Plc said all flights departing from London Heathrow and London Gatwick were canceled…… The freezing conditions will “severely disrupt” business for retailers….. According to an estimate by Lufthansa AG, 2,500 passengers were stranded in Frankfurt yesterday…..


    Snow really is a thing of the past. All of these stories are from the past hour.

  5. From the BBC, Sunday, 17 December 2006

    Many believe global warming is to blame for the lack of snow….. Moscow–There’s not a snowflake to be seen…. “It’s just fantasy!” is the way the weather forecast began on one of Moscow’s radio stations earlier this week. The announcer’s voice betrayed a mixture of disbelief and despair….. It is not just the people who are confused. Russia’s wildlife is not sure what time of year it is. Hibernation has been put off…..

  6. Sundance says:

    SA is becoming more of a propaganda mouthpiece for the “climate justice” green shirts on the far left. The use of the terminology “victim of climate change” is intentionally used in support of the promotion of “climate justice”* . Climate justice, born out of Marxist ideology, is the basis for the redistribution of wealth and power to be controlled centrally by the UN and World Bank.

    It seems Polar Bears weren’t enough so prepare for a growing barrage of propaganda that rich energy intensive nations are responsible for killing poor people, as the line between political ideology and science continues to blur. Nice job SA. So much for scientific integrity and keeping science separate from politics.


  7. Tony Duncan says:


    did you forget about the link I sent you to the geologists who said they will answer your questions?
    Remember you told me that most of the geologists you know don’t believe this garbage.

  8. suyts says:

    lol, isn’t Nature a hoot! Its as if every time they open their mouth Nature slaps them silly and reduces them to arguing that cold is hot and wet is dry and that they predicted this all along. hahahahahahahaha

  9. I wrote about those studies, and highlighted some pertinent facts not emphasized in other stories:

    — The scientists admit they can’t demonstrate the existing drought is caused by putative AGW

    — Natural climate change has produced worse droughts than this one

    — The Southwest is expected to get wetter as a whole from AGW. (California is one of those areas).

    I also liked the way the Scientific American article stated this without realizing the implications: “Temperatures are warmer now than they were in the 12th century, when it was drier than it is today.”

    What? There was a worse drought in the 12th century, when the temperatures were cooler than today’s?

    I actually agree with many of the policy prescriptions in the story, such as using more reclaimed water. But advocates have handicapped themselves with an unnecessary tie to AGW, when natural climate variability is quite enough to worry about.

    • Mike Davis says:

      They already are using reclaimed waste water in Southern Nevada and have been for years.
      What do people thing happens to “Waste Water”?

      • Southern Nevada has a lot to teach us. In San Diego, waste water is either recycled for non-potable uses, such as landscape irrigation, or treated and released into the ocean. We don’t recycle it back into our potable supply, although that is now being considered.

  10. mitchel44 says:

    I can’t find the paper anymore, it was here, , which no longer works.

    The title and authors, Koutsoyiannis, D., Montanari, A., Lins, H.F., and Cohn, T.A., 2009, DISCUSSION of “The implications of projected climate change for freshwater resources and their management”: Climate, hydrology and freshwater: Towards an interactive incorporation of hydrological experience into climate research: Hydrological Sciences Journal, v. 54, no. 2, p. 394-405. It’s a USGS paper as shown here, , but is not available there either.

    The message of the paper, IIRC, was that historical hydrological data concerning warm periods, droughts, floods and rainfall did not bear any resemblance to the forecasts being trotted out by the IPCC in support of climate change and future temperature increases.

    That the paper is now gone from view, does not fill me with confidence in the honesty of USGS, but perhaps someone else has that journal.

  11. mitchel44:
    Thanks for the interest about this paper. It is still openly available. Use its doi rather than absolute address (which has indeed changed), i.e.:

    Or find it in my own repository:

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