No Evidence Of Declining Snowcover

I plotted out Rutgers  northern hemisphere snowcover, with the 24-month running mean, and as you can see there is no trend to the data since at least 1990. Claims of declining snowcover are incorrect.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to No Evidence Of Declining Snowcover

  1. Latitude says:

    Their claims of mild winters and less snow is killing people again this year…

    …what is it going to take for people to get mad enough to hold them responsible?

  2. Sandy Rham says:

    hmm, a 24 mth running mean under- represents the last 12 months, which surely have been consistently above average?

  3. Cthulhu says:

    what claims of declining snow cover? be specific.

  4. It will be interesting to see if 10/11 goes higher than 78/79.

  5. Andy Weiss says:

    That chart does not seem to indicate that the end of world as we know it is near!

  6. Cthulhu says:

    Still waiting for actual references to claims of declining snow cover…

    Because what I expect we’ll find is that the claims are valid in the context they have been made. If it was so slam dunk why haven’t you cited something that IPCC AR4 says about NH snow cover that is obviously untrue?

    Not that I expect many of you have bothered to check.

    Stop “believing” in a touchy feely way (science doesn’t work like that) and start actually looking up facts.

    • peterhodges says:

      so the context will make claims of “snow a thing of the past” and “permanent drought” true even if snowcover is not declining and we get one year of record snowfall after another instead of drought?

      ah, the warmist logic.

      AR4? even the lead authors said it did not represent their views or the science!

    • DEEBEE says:

      So in thisw context, you concede, this post is correct>

  7. Dave N says:

    I’m sure the “it just hasn’t happened quite yet.. give it time” arguments will come out soon.

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