Obama Steals $300 From Each Taxpayer To Fight An Imaginary Problem

Apparently he is determined to bankrupt the US.


h/t to Marc Morano

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Obama Steals $300 From Each Taxpayer To Fight An Imaginary Problem

  1. Andy Weiss says:

    Just what the doctor ordered for a weak recovery and excessive deficits!

  2. Tony Duncan says:

    At least Bush only wasted a trillion on an illegal war.. That of course pales in comparison to the US paying part of “activities approaching $30 billion”.
    AND then again there was the Strategic defense initiative. Another total boondoggle.
    And what of Michelle Bachman raising the salaries of her staff during the biggest recession since the 30’s.
    And the republicans got the dems to give them billions in tax breaks for those poor people that have to suffer with all the problems that being rich brings. Thi in the middle of the biggest recession since the 30’s when business posted the biggest profits in history.
    Yup federal spending on ACC is just bankrupting us.

  3. Tony Duncan says:

    Steve, I will be happy to if you will pay me my $5,000 for the Iraq war.

  4. Tony Duncan says:

    I learned from a master.
    And how is this off topic? You use analogies all the time, and I point out how they have limited relevance. You are welcome to show me how my analogies are not relevant.

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