Persistent Cold In Antarctica

The entire continent of Antarctica has been running far below normal temperatures for the past six weeks.

And the north pole has turned cold as well.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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23 Responses to Persistent Cold In Antarctica

  1. MikeA says:

    Dog my cats! Such fine news, amazin’ that the North and South poles should be about the same temperature!

  2. Lazarus says:

    There are a lot of greens, yellows and even reds (20 + degrees C) on that second image.

  3. Breath of fresh air says:

    There are a lot of greens, yellows and even reds (20 + degrees C) on that second image.

    In Siberia and the Hudson bay areas, where funnily enough there are not many weather stations or population.

  4. Sundance says:

    The Arctic temps dropped 25F degrees over the last week and the AMSU near surface layer global temperature plummeted by 1.01F degrees in 4 days! Where I live it has been 10+F degrees colder than average for December and even though it’s one of the coldest Decembers in our 160 year data set and people are freezing and dying, I remind them (not the dead ones) that it’s really warmer than normal.

  5. R. de Haan says:

    With a little luck we will see the complete eradication of the temperature rise of the past century by the end of the next year.

    We’re cooling all right.

    • Latitude says:

      I agree
      We have been headed in that direction for a long time now

    • Ian says:

      Be careful of what you wish for. Is there any reason to suppose that cooling would stop when some arbitrarily defined optimum global temperature had been reached?

      • Mike Davis says:

        For an answer to your question look at the records from the ice cores showing the variations over the last 4 hundred thousand years. Look at the biological evidence that has been found in many regions of the globe that represents just the last 40 thousand years.

      • Ian says:

        Sorry, I don’t get your point. I’m just one of those who has no personal taste for cooling and doesn’t welcome it.

      • Mike Davis says:

        The short answer would be NO.
        The long answer is that we will only know what the future holds when the future becomes the past. History shows us the past is chaotic in nature so we can expect nothing more from the future.

      • Ian says:

        OK, thanks for clearing that up, Mike. 🙂

  6. Magnus A says:

    This NOAA data for the 29th of December. Between the 23rd and 37th of December Lubos Motl mentioned that UAH AMSU (CH4, near surface) temperature dropped as much as 0.56 C (!).

    The UAH global surface temperature anomaly before this shift about +0.3, so now it should be about -0.2, or…? Interesting if this continues in 2011.

    If the NOAA stations has dropped now(?), I guess HadCRUT, and also GISS, should drop in January. Data released in February…

  7. Doug Proctor says:

    Hudson Bay and the straits between Greenland, the Arctic Islands and Quebec show up as a positive 20K temperature anomaly. I’m not suggesting that the data behind the calculation is wrong, but that the meaning or interpretation should not be taken literally. This is an example of when stats are something that come out of math, but don’t represent what they appear to mean. It makes no sense to have Hudson Bay, one of the coldest bodies of water I have ever shoved my face into, 20K too warm. Even when it is warm on the water it is cold. Water would have to freeze at -15K for this to be possible.

    The other +20K anomaly is somewhere in China or Mongolia. For there the “normal” temperature would have to be -20K, probably, as on the 30th December it is in deep winter in that area. Maybe they have chinooks, like Calgary or Denver.

    Is it possible that areas of very high seasonal variability skew the average data out of proportion to their areal contribution? This is a straight statistical question: won’t a ten-fold variability in 1/10th of an area make the whole area, when averaged, appear variable when it is not? Perhaps the question is, how much do outliers of no regional significance contaminate the large record? Hansen’s contribution to the Arctic, he says, is not significant to his global record. What do the statistical tests of this statement say?

    In Calgary, chinooks have raised the temperature by >20K OVER LUNCHTIME. You could feel the cold air falling off the buildings while the snow in the streets was melting. An average of winter temperatures using those chinook temperatures would misrepresent the actuality of winter in Calgary. Has this happened to the global temperatures of GISS?

  8. AndyW says:

    Does the Arctic no longer exist since it is now rather warm?


  9. Andy Weiss says:

    Does anyone know the reason why they have been so persistenly below normal?

  10. bubbagyro says:

    I suspect the Arctic/Subarctic heat bubbles are the last heat belching of the oceans as La Nina gets serious.

  11. Joe Bastardi, brings up some interesting and correct points. A one degree drop in temp. in the tropics takes away as much energy from the earth’s climatic system, as a 20 or 30 degree rise in temperatures in the polar regions, due to the extreme increase in the amount of enegy put in or taken away from the climatic system, as temperatures vary from a higher base level.
    See his video Dec. 30.

    I have been forecasting lower global temperatures, and a more meridional circulation as a consequence of low solar activity and high latitude volcanic activity, for over a year now.

    If the meridional circulation gets entrenched enough ,a positive feeback for colder conditions might happen in the N.H. which will be due to a higher albedo in the N.H. due to increase snow cover due to a more meridioanl circulation.

    The global warming models, contary to the lastest BS from the hoax global warmers , have all predicted a more zonal or positive AO going forward, and the reality like so many of the predictions they have made ,is the exact opposite.

    My prediction made over a year ago also predicts this will be the decade of global cooling.

  12. Pingback: Frigid Temperatures Projected To Plague Much Of Globe In January

  13. Naamdrager says:

    I dunno but…. . These data of antarctic temperatures are clearly from the operational model, on this page there is a link to reanalysis data (‘more stable climo available’). And the anomalies there are totally different.

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