Persistent Cold In Antarctica


Temperatures have been running far below normal for more than three weeks.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Persistent Cold In Antarctica

  1. peterhodges says:

    hansen will fix it.

    add value


    then homogenise

    three easy steps from cold data to “hottest whatever ever!”

  2. TinyCO2 says:

    Wasn’t the excuse for a cooling Antarctic the hole in the ozone layer? So why’s is still getting colder and more icy?

  3. MikeTheDenier says:

    Hole in Antarctic ozone layer shrinking

    Posted : Thu, 02 Dec 2010 22:39:31 GMT

    Wellington – The hole in the Antarctic ozone layer, blamed for global warming in the southern hemisphere, is shrinking and at its smallest for five years, New Zealand’s National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) said Friday.

    Atmospheric scientist Stephen Wood said it indicated that international initiatives, such as the 1987 Montreal Protocol, which phased out chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other ozone-depleting substances, may be working.

    Wood said land and satellite calculations showed the Antarctic ozone hole reached a maximum of about 22 million square kilometres and an ozone mass deficit of approximately 27 million tons this year.

    Last year, it was 24 million square kilometres and 35 million tons. The largest ozone hole ever recorded was in 2000, when it reached 29 million square kilometres with a 43 million ton deficit.

    Although reluctant to say the ozone hole was recovering permanently, Wood said, “However, we have now had a few years in succession with less severe holes. That is an indication we may be beginning to see a recovery.”

    Continued monitoring would enable scientists to assess whether it was the start of a sustained, long-term, recovery, he said.

    The Antarctic ozone hole forms in August and September every year and remains until breaking up in November or December.,antarctic-ozone-layer-shrinking.html

  4. John Douglas Swallow says:

    It is possible that because there was no way to measure the “Ozone Hole”, that perhaps there has always been one since it seems to also be the circumference of the aurora australis and that is also true in the case the aurora borealis, just a thought.

  5. Viv Evans says:

    Crikey – and the summer solstice in Antarctica is only two weeks away …
    Has Greenpease launched a campaign to save the penguins from freezing to death yet?

    Never mind – we know that CAGW only happens in the NH!

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