Shock News From Revkin : Scientists Who Depend On Global Warming Money, Believe In Global Warming

At least 97% of vegetarians prefer not to eat meat.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Shock News From Revkin : Scientists Who Depend On Global Warming Money, Believe In Global Warming

  1. Cthulhu says:

    That’s the same excuse the Creationists use.

    Of course those biologists all accept evolution. Has nothing to do with evidence, it’s because they all have to subscribe to the idea for grants. Also they are atheist god-haters.

    And of course climatologists are all in it for the grants too but are all modern society haters (gonna ban all our cars I heard!)

    • Who can deny that heat has taken over the planet?

    • Ian says:

      If evolution was conclusively shown to be a fraud, would the vast majority of biologists be in any danger of losing their jobs? I don’t think so. Even the evolutionary specialists could easily find themselves a new niche

      But how about if CAGW was conclusively shown to be a fraud? All of the vast sums of money that are currently diverted to climatology and the entire commercial climate change industry (in which many climatologists moonlight) from taxpayers via governments in the form of grants and subsidies will inevitably be cut off. And you think that will have no effect on climatologists’ employment prospects and standard of livings? Do tell us what you think happens to all this largess if it isn’t largely going to support the employment of climatologists in the manner that they have come to expect.

  2. Ian says:

    P.S. I’ve never heard any creationist use the argument that you suggest (i.e., that biologists don’t really believe in evolutionary theory, but espouse it because of fear for their jobs). I am inclined to think that you made it up simply in order to manufacture a bogus association with which you hoped to smear sceptics.

  3. Paul H says:

    It is hard to see what jobs people like Hansen + Jones could actually do if their depts closed down. After all what are they qualified to do?

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