The Australian : “UN climate deal fails to make progress on carbon emissions”

I disagree. They cooled the planet through the Gore Effect. They should consider their efforts to be a whopping success. Of course, that is assuming that anyone there actually has the climate as part of their money-seeking agenda.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to The Australian : “UN climate deal fails to make progress on carbon emissions”

  1. PJB says:

    So then all we have to do is clone Al Gorrible and station the replicants around the world next to all sources of his beloved “carbon” and all will be well?

  2. Dave N says:

    Weird. Other sources are claiming success in Cancun because they had “agreement”.

    Apparently the agreement they made doesn’t include an implementation plan, nor does it require anyone to actually comply. If that’s a measure of success I have some swamp land to sell them.

  3. Mike Davis says:

    There was an agreement to have an agreement about the consensus that they think the should discuss an agreement about a consensus of some future agreement that something might possibly be considered!
    Ten Days of party time to accomplish something that could have been done by e-mail!

  4. Mike Davis says:

    There was an agreement to have an agreement about the consensus that they think the should discuss an agreement about a consensus of some future agreement that something might possibly be considered!
    Ten Days of party time to accomplish something that could have been done by e-mail!

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