UK Unprepared For Snow Because Of The Met Office

The Met Office has consistently stated for the last decade that there will be little or no snow. As a result, municipalities and businesses have planned appropriately.

That is what happens when you put people pushing an agenda in charge of what is supposed to be a science-based organisation.

The best strategy is to assume the opposite of whatever the Met Office predicts for the coming season.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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28 Responses to UK Unprepared For Snow Because Of The Met Office

  1. Sundance says:

    From The Times
    May 22, 2009
    Met Office says new super-computer will give more accurate forecasts
    Simon de Bruxelles

    “Once, a strip of seaweed or a rheumatic hip were all that were needed to forecast the weather.

    Yesterday, however, the Met Office unveiled a £33 million super-computer that it hopes will be able to do the job with a little more precision.”

    I wonder if the MET now wishes it had its 33 million pounds back as the super computer can’t seem to do much better than a strip of seaweed or a rheumatic hip? Although in fairness to the computer GIGO is still a first order forcing in global warming.

  2. M White says:

    “Nottinghamshire’s coroner warns about cold deaths”

    Nottinghamshire’s coroner has urged carers and neighbours to check up on elderly people after seven cold-related deaths in the county in the past week.

    Dr Nigel Chapman said such a high concentration of deaths – including three on Tuesday – was “unusual”.

  3. tarpon says:

    Our local TV stations blow as hard as they can on every swirl in the atmosphere, hoping for it to be a hurricane. Our insurance costs go sky high as the US NOAA counts every puff as if it were Katrina redo.

    Seems like the world needs a weather enema.

  4. AndyW says:

    We now have 15 inches of snow in Kent.

    Steve, I eat humble pie in front of you with your snow prediction.



  5. AndyW says:

    Here’s a picture of my back garden


  6. M White says:

    Met Office wins Lloyd’s Science of Risk Prize

    “Dr Doug Smith, Met Office specialist in decadal forecasting, was awarded the prize for Best Overall Paper as well as the Science of Risk Prize for the Natural Hazard category. He led research that demonstrated for the first time that climate models, such as the Met Office Decadal Climate Prediction System (DePreSys), can extend successful storm activity forecasts beyond the current season, providing predictions years ahead”

    “Lloyd’s is the world’s leading specialist insurance market with a history of risk management over three hundred years. However, with the pace of academic knowledge expanding at an unprecedented rate, it has never been more important to keep abreast of cutting edge thinking”

    • Sean says:

      Shouldn’t this read more like this, “He led research that demonstrated for the first time that climate models, such as the Met Office Decadal Climate Prediction System (DePreSys), can extend successful storm activity forecasts beyond the current season, providing RATE INCREASES years ahead”

  7. Andy Weiss says:

    In all fairness, a blizzard of the magnitude is a rare event in the UK. It is unnecessarliy costly to budget for the worst possible scenario every winter in a place that goes many years without much snow. We face the same type of problems here in the Washington, DC area whenever we do get a blizzard.

  8. Andy Weiss says:

    Andy W-Cool picture (in more ways than 0ne)!

    Reminds me of our blizzards last winter in DC.

  9. Morgan in Sweden says:

    I can say the same about Sweden our railway system broke down last year.

    Why?, Budget cuts in the snow removal department, the newspaper does not report it, but of course it is the same propaganda message in Sweden as in the UK, the responsible companies learn that there will be no more snow, the winters will be green etc. etc, then came the reality check. This year seems to be almost as bad as last year.

  10. M White says:

    “Lethal cold weather grips northern Europe”

    Have you been affected by the heavy snowfall? You can send us your experiences using the form below.

  11. Green Sand says:

    Met not bothered about the UK!

    Took some doing but they have their “hottest year”

    • Paul H says:

      Ah Louise Gray, Little Miss Cut & Paste.

      Temperatures are up in the Arctic, Africa + Southern Asia where they don’t have many actual readings + down in America + Europe where they do.

      • Mike Davis says:

        Must not forget the ocean areas where measurement equipment also does not exist. 70% of the planet is represented by less than 1% of the measurements and those are probably in the warm pools.

  12. Malaga View says:

    James Delingpole is on form
    Cancun suffers its final indignity: a visit from ‘Two Jags’ Prescott

    The video he mentions is a hoot: Lord Prescott on his role at UN summit in Cancun

    Oh! Louise Gray and the Met Office… just file under Fairy Tales

  13. ES says:

    Independent forecaster Piers Corbyn, of WeatherAction, said: “December to February in Britain and Europe will be exceptionally cold and snowy – like hell frozen over at times.

    “It is expected that two of the three months December, January and February are likely to be in the three coldest for 100 years.”

  14. Lazarus says:

    “The Met Office has consistently stated for the last decade that there will be little or no snow.”

    No they didn’t but you are welcome to prove me wrong by linking to where they did.

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