Where’s Waldo?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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18 Responses to Where’s Waldo?

  1. Dave N says:

    There’s a tiny speck, top left, not far from the edge.. Do I win anything? 🙂

  2. Boudu says:

    Give me a few minutes to homologenize the image . . . There. An above normal count according to my calculations.

    No you can’t see my workings.

  3. Stefan says:

    That’s no sun, its GISS surface temperature anomalies for 2012.

  4. Ian says:

    Lol to all above.

  5. LetsGoViking says:

    The spots are on a tropical island meeting with Hansen and Gore…

  6. He’s going to spend the next 40 years in a warmer galaxy.

  7. Brian G Valentine says:

    CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere caused this. Long-wave radiation was trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere that didn’t reflect back to the Sun as it should have and it interfered with the Sun’s normal output that is part of a solar feedback loop.

    I think the condition is irreversible, the Sun is probably ruined

    • Mike Davis says:

      We could send the Hockey Team up with their hot air to resuscitate the sun and get it breathing again. Of course it is important they leave at once or it will be to late.

  8. MikeTheDenier says:

    I have a Spot. He’s a good dog.

  9. peterhodges says:

    great discussion over at anthony’s page


    these are always amusing and informative!

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