76 – Count Em


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to 76 – Count Em

  1. Once upon a time, sunspots were dark. Thanks to AGW, they’re now white too.

    Anyway, since R=k*(10g+s) and g=4, assuming k=1 it means s=34 and that might be due to the large number of white spots for 1195 (on the left edge of the disk)

  2. Mike Davis says:

    They would not have changed methods of counting sun spots to fit an agenda! Would they?

  3. Mike Davis says:

    I lost respect for the Solar Community because of their antics leading up to and during the recent solar minimum. Biased research for the sake of funding is not science!

  4. Malaga View says:

    Mike Davis says: Biased research…
    How could you use such a phrase?
    Their antics can’t be classed as either
    biased or research
    The phrases fictional science and fantasy science should be used 🙂

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