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- Fifteen Year Old Children In Australia Control The Weather
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- Both High And Low Sea Ice Extent Caused By Global Warming
- Record Sea Ice Caused By Global Warming
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- “pushing nature past its limits”
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- EPA : 17.5 Degrees Warming By 2050
- “Winter temperatures colder than last ice age
- Big Oil Saved The Whales
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- Disillusioned on Both High And Low Sea Ice Extent Caused By Global Warming
- Disillusioned on “pushing nature past its limits”
- Francis Barnett on “pushing nature past its limits”
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- conrad ziefle on Mission Accomplished
- conrad ziefle on Mission Accomplished
- Billyjack on Mission Accomplished
- conrad ziefle on Both High And Low Sea Ice Extent Caused By Global Warming
- conrad ziefle on “pushing nature past its limits”
- conrad ziefle on Mission Accomplished
Monthly Archives: April 2011
Would You Marry Someone Who Told You Every Five Minutes That You Needed To Change?
That would be living hell.
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Droughtflood Is Normal In The Amazon
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How Do People Get So Out Of Touch With Reality?
The Colorado River is headed for a major flood this summer, and a Denver newspaper is worried about reduced stream flows. Talk about old news. The Interior Department this week determined that global warming will reduce stream flows in wester … Continue reading
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HadCRUT Cherry-Picked Warm Russian Data
(Russian) Analysts say Russian meteorological stations cover most of the country’s territory, and that the Hadley Center had used data submitted by only 25% of such stations in its reports. Over 40% of Russian territory was not included in global-temperature … Continue reading
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La Nina Brings Drought To Texas
Strong La Nina periods average about 15% less rain than strong El Nino periods. All eight periods which averaged less than 25 inches of rain were also ENSO negative.
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Playing The Sea Level Scam Game – Send Money Now
http://www.guardian.co.uk/ Sea level is falling around Nauru – red circle below near the center of the map. Google Earth shows that the beaches are fine, and that the inhabited part of the Island ranges from seven feet above sea level … Continue reading
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Unadjusted Envisat Sea Level Data Since 2004
ftp://ftp.aviso.oceanobs.com/ Sea level is about 2mm higher than it was seven years ago. It will only take 3,500 years to achieve 1 metre of rise, or 17,500 years to reach Hansen’s five metres this century forecast.
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Hiding The Decline : Envisat Sea Level Falling Since 2008
Launched in 2002, Envisat is the largest Earth Observation spacecraft ever built. It carries ten sophisticated optical and radar instruments to provide continuous observation and monitoring of the Earth’s land, atmosphere, oceans and ice caps. Envisat data collectively provide a … Continue reading
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As Flooding Looms, Government Predicts Decreased Runoff
Obama administration sends a message of solidarity to the clueless government of Australia. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-13190689
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California Has Cooled 2C Since The 1870s
People making claims HadCRUT temperatures for 37N 122.5W since 1850.
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