1000 Year Storm Surge

The dumbest global warming story below claimed a 1000 year storm surge as proof of sea level rise and global warming. We already established that sea level isn’t rising there, but there is another problem.

The world has over 200,000 miles of shoreline. If we broke that up into 10 mile sections, there are 20,000 of them. The odds of any one of them having a 1,000 year storm surge during any given year are 1,000 to 1. That means that we would expect about 20 of them per year somewhere on the planet, or one every 2-3 weeks.

The one in the article referred to a storm occurred ten years ago, so we can multiply by 10 to get the decadal frequency. We expect to see about two hundred “1,000 year” storm surges per decade.

Alarmists scour the planet for statistically meaningless events, and then present them to the faithful congregation as proof that witches really are destroying the Earth.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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20 Responses to 1000 Year Storm Surge

  1. Scott says:

    This is totally OT, but I need help. I was having a discussion in a WUWT thread where someone indicated that the Climategate e-mails didn’t show major undermining of the peer-review process. Clearly there’s the quote about “redefining” the peer-review process, but the person I’m discussing with apparently didn’t mean the IPCC report, but papers. I remember some e-mails talking about putting pressure on an editor or something like that…anyone remember which specific e-mails those were? Also, weren’t there other e-mails showing peer-review collusion?

    I would search further myself, but not much time right now.



  2. Al Gored says:

    “Alarmists scour the planet for statistically meaningless events, and then present them to the faithful congregation as proof that witches really are destroying the Earth.”

    Monty Python… the difference between a duck and a witch… early IPCC meeting?


  3. Curt says:

    I think the cartoon here:


    makes the point well.

    • Scott says:

      It does botch it though in the newspaper report. The media never say “5% chance of coincidence” (nor do scientists really). Nor would the media even say “95% confidence”…at least not often (at least scientists usually do that).


  4. Jan v J says:

    I have defended you on other blogs.
    Be careful. I don’t think your division by time period is statistically valid. There’s a separate PDF for each year (time division). Your arithmetic fails, I’m afraid.

  5. Jan v J says:

    When appropriate, spatial division is equivalent to temporal division.
    Purely for clarity.

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