Big Week For Doomsday Cults

There isn’t a rat’s ass worth of difference between climate alarmists and other doomsday cults any more.

LIKE most people, I’m an instinctive optimist. In any case, I see no margin in pessimism. If you concluded the world was irredeemably wicked, or destined for certain destruction, what would be left but to curl up and die? Since we can never be certain the end is nigh, much better to keep living and keep plugging away for a better world.

I confess, however, I’ve needed all my optimistic instincts to avoid despair over the terrible hash we’re making of the need to take effective action against global warming. We’re showing everything that’s unattractive about the Australian character.

We pride ourselves that Aussies are good in a crisis, but until the walls start falling in on us we couldn’t reach agreement to shut the door against the cold.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Big Week For Doomsday Cults

  1. GregW says:

    “…if Australia shut down entirely, and emitted no CO2 starting today, it would lower the temperature in 2050 by just 0.0154 °C (on IPCC figures).”

    Given Australia’s small population I suspect this assessment is correct; and this is assuming that the effect of “carbon” on the climate is even as large as the IPCC says, which doesn’t seem likely.

  2. Jimbo says:

    Some Australian alarmists used to fret about the possibility of perpetual drought. You just can’t win. It’s called the WEATHER and NATURAL CLIMATE VARIABILITY!

    Shocking low co2 drought is Australia’s past. Shocking!

  3. pwl says:

    It’s ironic that it took the likes of a non-compus mentus Harold Camping to shed light on the true nature of the co2 climate doomsday cults.

  4. Bill Pounder says:

    As we, well I do, say west of Broadway, (for the uninitiated, that’s the old Fairfax HQ and how’s Fairfax for a warmist inclined newspaper moniker), Ross, “You’re not an economist’s armpit!”
    “I’ve needed all my optimistic instincts to avoid despair over the terrible hash we’re making of the need to take effective action against global warming.”
    This is regular Ross.

  5. NoMoreGore says:

    It is absolutely a cult. Just like Jonestown. Just as deadly. We can’t be satisfied to simply supress this lunacy. It must be shredded into oblivion where it belongs. The weak of mind will always gravitate back into the ether.

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