Life In The USSA

Soviet Pravda style journalism is now the norm.

The picture shows  the terminus of a glacier, where icebergs are breaking off. If the boat tried to “skim through the ice” it would end up like the Titanic.

Members of the Arctic Council — the United States, Russia, Canada, Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Sweden — plan to sign an agreement on Thursday to coordinate search-and-rescue operations across 13 million square miles of ocean that are becoming more navigable as Arctic sea ice decreases.

There is exactly one ship in the Arctic Basin right now – a Russian icebreaker which seems to be almost motionless.

The Arctic Council was founded in 1996 to address environmental issues, but has since broadened its focus to include other challenges and opportunities brought about by the effects of climate change — from oil and gas exploration to increasing traffic of cargo and cruise ships in areas formerly icebound for much of the year.

The Love Boat in the Arctic. I’m sure that is going to happen real soon.

But the longer-term consequences could prove devastating to the planet, many say. A report by the Arctic Council’s scientific arm warns that sea levels could rise three to five feet in the next century, well about previous estimates, threatening the flooding of coastal cities.

There is no evidence from any sea level record that this is happening. It is pure hype and speculation being presented as scientific fact.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Life In The USSA

  1. Andy Weiss says:

    Where is peer review when we need honest men/women to refute all these blatant untruths? How can these people live with themselves and still call themselves scientists?

  2. mkelly says:

    I was a CDO (command duty officer) stationed at Keflavik, Iceland as part of the admirals staff. At the time we had SAR (search and rescue) control for the Icelandic sector. There was one helo for near shore operations re: less than 50 miles and a P3 Orion for anything further out. The problems with ops in this area ar mainly two. 1. the water is cold and you will die within 30 minutes or less if not protected and a couple of hours if protected. 2. The weather oft times prohibits flying. So if you are going to have a problem in this area be close to shore and in the summer.

  3. suyts says:

    lmao, 3-5 feet! that’s a lot!!!

  4. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    The earth was warmer 1000 years ago during the Medieval Warm Period. It is actually relatively cool on earth in comparison to the last 8000 years. ‘Global warming’ taxes must be stopped.

  5. Blair Ivey says:

    I would like, just once, for someone to ask the neo-pagans how ‘climate change’ or any of its purported effects ‘harms the planet’. As statists, what they really mean is that any change is bad, unless it’s political change they like, then it’s good. I sure wish I was that intelligent and nuanced.

  6. Jimbo says:

    Free beer tomorrow! When their predictions fail they simply move the date forward. Voila!

  7. Jimbo says:

    Antarctica is now melting at a devastating rate. 🙂

  8. Andy Weiss says:

    It looks like the alarmists will have to move the goal posts at least another couple thousand years forward with their Antarctic melting scam. But in the meantime they will still keep blathering about endangered penguins and the crumbling ice sheet.

  9. Charles Higley says:

    It is immaterial if there are any real effects from the warming-which-is-not-happening or that floating ice simply cannot raise sea level when it melts. The key is to push a political agenda by yelling as loudly as possible huge, obvious lies as people have a hard time believing that they would be yelling so loudly if it was a lie. This was Hitler’s strategy—lake the lie huge and repeat it often; unfortunately it does work if the voices of truth and logic are stifled.

    I cannot wait to see them try to install drilling rigs just to have them wiped out of existence by the ice. Who are they going to blame? How on Earth can they pretend that Greenland is suddenly going to be thriving and even farming? These people believe their own lies and probably even believe that their poop doesn’t stink.

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