Sarah Palin Is So Ignorant

Why can’t she be smart like Obama and raise the national debt by 50% in three years?

Why can’t she get unemployment up to 10%?

Why can’t she bow and apologize and talk unconditionally to foreign despots?

Why can’t she change her position on almost every single thing she campaigned against?

Why can’t she believe that the climate is being destroyed and that man only has a few years to fix it?

In order to be reported by the MSM as intelligent, you have to demonstrate that you are completely clueless and wildly dishonest.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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57 Responses to Sarah Palin Is So Ignorant

  1. MikeTheDenier says:


    I wonder if I can go to the Health Dept and get a shot for this? I been in some bad beaver in my days when I was young and dumb, but never rabid ones. 🙂

    • NikFromNYC says:

      I pet a baby raccoon once. It seemed lost and sad, and sick, and thirsty. It was mewing. My girlfriend at the time didn’t want to go hiking again with me after that. After it lunged for my wrist and missed.

  2. AndyW says:

    To be fair Obama has suffered Bush Jnr’s shit like Clinton bathed in Bush Snr’s good work and got the credit for financial wise.

    I still think it was a bad decision to get rid of Bush Snr after such a great military campaign in iraq and then bringing on good wealth which his rival benefited from? So why did you guys do it?


    • Dems have controlled Congress since the beginning of the slide. Blaming Bush isn’t going to fly

    • suyts says:

      Andy, Bush Sr. sealed his own fate when he reneged on his pledge of “no new taxes”. He allowed the Dems to back him into a corner in which he couldn’t get out.

    • Dave G says:

      Andy, a certain person needs to go back to school?

      • pwl says:

        Every member of the ruling elite (elected, appointed, or employed) in the government is to “blame” for the wild over spending regardless if it was in the Bush or Obama terms. If they went on a spending spree they are to blame. That’s almost all the congressmen, women and senators as well as the presidents and their advisers.

        Cut the military budge to the bone and you’ll save a fortune. Cut cut cut. Chop chop chop. Oh and cut that AGW research too. Cut other spending. Cut the Fed. Cut cut cut.

        When I spend more than I earn I have to cut back, so why shouldn’t the government cult members have to as well? It would be great to have a law that if any member of the government spends more than the government takes in they go directly to jail for ten years. Of course there would also be fixed sources of income so they can’t just increase that willy nilly as they pretty much always are wanting to do.

        The real problem is that the congress, the senate and the presidents have too much unrestricted power and the voters let them get away with far too many transgressions far too easily and pay the price for it. The people need a veto besides the 2, 4, 6 year voting of government cult members.

  3. AndyW says:

    He was the guy in charge wasn’t he? If he’s not then what’s the point of having a President, is it just a figurehead position?

    It was Bush who started the bailouts. It seems like a good plan in some respects as a lot of it has been paid back and the USA doesn’t look like Japan yet…..


    • We don’t have a monarchy in the US. Congress is responsible for budgetary/economic issues.

      • pwl says:

        In theory yes. In practice congress and the senate act irresponsible on budgetary/economic issues regardless of which cult party they belong to.

        Only a few congressmen and senators ever actually vote for real fiscal responsibility.

        All the time the presidents act more and more grabbing power to the point now that they are indistinguishable from a monarch (with a 4-8 year term).

    • suyts says:

      I thought it was an awful idea then, and I still consider it an awful idea now.

      First, the bailouts fly in the face of the competitive nature of capitalism. If a business fails, it did so because it wasn’t competent enough to stay afloat. It needs to go away. Something else would have soon come in to fill the void.

      Secondly, have you noticed that nothing has changed? We have the same people doing the same insipidly stupid practices! We’re back to sending out credit cards to people that don’t have jobs, we’re deferring home repossession for people that can’t possibly pay for it…….all the while accumulating more unpayable debt. We still have homes valued at overinflated prices that the banks are holding for people who will never pay for them.

      Why is this happening? Because we showed them there are no consequences for failure, in fact, we showed them we won’t allow them to fail. They can do whatever, however they wish and we’ll be there with a few freshly printed $trillion dollars to keep them afloat.

      Its incredible to me that from just a couple of short years ago, we’ve already forgotten the lessons learned and are more than willing to start pretending none of that idiocy ever occurred.

  4. Andy Weiss says:

    To be intelligent in the eyes of the MSM, you have to be on the cutting edge of science (the latest crackpot’s climate change horror story).

  5. PhilJourdan says:

    The Ironic part is that she ran as VP, yet the left and the MSM treated it like she was going to be Pres. If they had done even half the scrutiny to biden as they did to Palin – Obiden would have lost in a landslide.

    • Jimash says:

      For some reason the assumption was that McCain was going to just die,
      and leave her as Pres.
      I though it was funny that people who didn’t like McCain were so concerned for his health.
      It’s like the inverse of that thing where you are a racist if you don’t care deeply for Barack Obama.
      And Biden, , he just gets me. A nice enough man, good in his prime.
      But sadly he is two brain surgeries past his prime, and I thought he was a slightly peculiar choice after eight years of a vice president, a heartbeat away from the presidency, and coincidentally also a heartbeat away from his last heartbeat.
      But these guys do persist. That is why we have elections.
      ABO !

      • Blade says:

        “For some reason the assumption was that McCain was going to just die, and leave her as Pres.”

        Hey, I’m not ashamed to admit it, that scenario was the logical rationalization I could think of allowing me to pull the lever for Juan McCain. He had practically no positives to write home about. Borders, Firearms, Free Speech, Liberty, etc, he was as far from a constitutional American as any previous with an (R) attached to his name.

        I suspect there were a lot more than me thinking that way.

        Heck, I seriously considered making tee-shirts or bumper stickers with this play on a famous old slogan …

        Tippecanoe and Palin too!

      • Jimash says:

        Well I was voting “against” so overlooking disagreements was a given.
        But she did add some excitement, and I did look forward to her harassing Barney Frank.

  6. Marc Blank says:

    My 10 year old knows a great deal more about American history than does Sarah Palin; sorry, but she is an ignorant woman.

  7. Mike Davis says:

    You Guys have it all wrong! Obama campaigned in 57 states promoting Change You Can Believe in. On this campaign trail he needs to campaign in 114 states and already started with his tour through the states on the other side of the Atlantic River. Next we can expect him to campaign in the states bordering the Indian Lake and Lake Pacific.

    • Latitude says:


      there are 57 muslim states, but no one caught that

      • Mike Davis says:

        I do not consider Muslim a defined religion as the sects each claim to be the true path just as each Christian sect also thinks it is the true path.
        War is the ultimate path to lasting peace when every one on the planet believes the same teachings through force!
        In the religion of peace how much inter sect rivalry is there.
        There may be 57 claimed Muslim States but tribalism is tearing them apart from within.

  8. Luke of the D says:

    Amen Mr. Goddard. I said it before and I’ll say it again, I think Sarah Palin is a ditz, but she’s a real ditz, and not a slime-ball socialist pig like B. Hussein O. Palin is a real person, even if she’s benefiting (both financially and popularity wise) from the media’s stupidity… can’t hate her for being a celebrity!

    • papertiger says:

      As usual the liberal coterie’s interpretation of history is lacking.

      Palin’s claim that Paul Revere warned the British that the Americans were waiting for them is confirmed by no less an authority then Paul Revere himself. In his dairy, he writes about being captured by Brit officers on the very day and warning them “that their troops had catched aground in passing the River, and that There would be five hundred Americans there in a short time, for I had alarmed the Country all the way up.”

      Sarah is smarter than Ill Wind, a host of online and mainline liberal news stenographers, and Marc Blank’s 10 year old.

  9. pwl says:

    “Palin said, “He who warned uh, the British that they weren’t gonna be takin’ away our arms, uh by ringing those bells, and um, makin’ sure as he’s riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be sure and we were going to be free, and we were going to be armed.”

    “Okay, there is a little problem with Palin’s story. Paul Revere’s historic ride occurred in 1775, the constitutional convention did not even convene until 1787. Besides this not so minor point, Sarah Palin gets everything else about Paul Revere’s ride wrong.”

    From a Canadian’s perspective Palin is not that bright and with so many gaffs she’s a lousy pick to be a finger’s push away from The Red Button Nuke Rapture – especially considering that she’s an evangelical christian who wants the rapture!

    Even though she might be on the skeptical side of climate issues she’s one scary pick and the world would be much more dangerous with her in the Whitehouse or anywhere near it.

    • Amazing how someone who loves and cherishes life is painted in the opposite light. Even more amazing is that people fall for it.

      • pwl says:

        While Palin might “love life” her christian rapture mythology-as-if-it-is-somehow-magically-real is inherently anti-life being all doomsday death and torture forever judgmental and all.

        So if she “cherishes life” then what is she doing being in a christian evangelical cult? They are incompatible with each other.

      • pwl says:

        Cherishing life and worshiping the alleged god genocidal are utterly incompatible ideas. You can easily see that by reading about the alleged god genocidal in the bible and his mass murdering exploits (such as the genocidal planetary wide flood or the murder of all the first born of Egypt).

        The point is that Palin isn’t the sharpest pencil in the room. The fact that she gets a few things sorta right (like climate) doesn’t excuse that she gets just about everything else wrong.

      • Latitude says:

        you mean as opposed to our current elected officials that get everything wrong…
        …including global warming

    • Latitude says:

      Do you think she’s more dangerous than Obama, Biden, Clinton, Kerry, Gore, Dean, Pelosi, Reid, Rangel, Frank, etc etc

      • Blade says:

        Now that woman right there *is* dumb as a stump.

        She actually asked NASA (based in her district) to have one of the Mars orbiters or rovers take a picture of the Apollo landing site. That was no slip of the lip error, but complete confusion of astronomical bodies and well-known historical manned-landings.

        Nitwits like Ill wind blowing (aka Villalowblow) would pull the lever for Sheila Jackson Lee in a heartbeat while they simultaneously alinsky smear pro-American pro-Liberty pro-Firearm candidates like Palin. God forbid someone like her gets sent to cleanup that stinking cesspool in DC.

        Domestic Enemies like him (North Hollywood is it?) have one agenda: destruction of America, all her traditions and the freedoms so many died for.

      • Ill wind blowing says:


        “Nitwits like Ill wind blowing (aka Villalowblow) would pull the lever for Sheila Jackson Lee in a heartbeat while they simultaneously alinsky smear pro-American pro-Liberty pro-Firearm candidates like Palin.”

        My HK91; Glock 17; 17,000 rounds; etc. are there to protect me from the psychopaths and psychotics of the Tea Leaves Party and the stealth candidates of Dominionism.

        “Domestic Enemies like him (North Hollywood is it?) have one agenda: destruction of America, all her traditions and the freedoms so many died for.”

        The freedom to ban books and fire librarians. The freedom to pal around with Theocratic Christian Dominionists who want to return us to Old Testament laws.

        It is precisely the enemies of this nation that want people like her to be elected as President.

      • Blade says:

        My HK91; Glock 17; 17,000 rounds; etc. are there to protect me from the psychopaths and psychotics of the Tea Leaves Party

        Ppffffttt! Yeah right! If Ill wind blowing/VillaLowBlow even caught a glimpse of an H&K or AK or AR in real life, he/she would wet their panties.

        The freedom to ban books and fire librarians.

        Honestly, we TEA partiers don’t care about your books, so rest easy you can keep your Marx/Engels and even your gay porn. No worries mate. And the only librarians that should be fired are those on the public dole with obscene civil service pensions. If the actual library cannot make enough money to cover its property and school taxes and pay the fat lady $100 grand a year, then close it too. Don’t tell me to pay for it. We handle these things at the county and town level, a foreign concept in Soviet California these days.

        You really are parasitic libtard, a natural born narcissist who thinks the world revolves around them. In truth, no-one really gives a crap about you and what you do. The reality however, is that it is you who has intentions to affect my life and my family’s, not the other way around like you think. That is the truth of the matter and simultaneously the liberal democratic-socialist paranoid paradox. Some just call it hypocrisy.

        So if you just stay the hell away from me and my family (and our money and private property) you would have nothing to fear whatsoever. But you can’t do that because you are a liberal and it is in your genes to poke sticks in the tiger cage. As this is working so well for you I heartily encourage you to continue.

        I’m trying to help you here, so pay attention. Ya see, the bridge to far for socialists in America was Obamacare and worldwide it is AGW. And everyone is on to you now as they awaken all over the world. You and your kind are helping to sweep anti-socialist governments into office everywhere. So please, keep up the good work!

  10. PJB says:

    Because she hasn’t had the chance….yet.

  11. PJB says:

    Sometimes, random chance shines on the faithful?

    “The British are coming, the British are coming!” What a great story, Paul Revere riding through the night with his famous message. Makes you feel all tingly and patriotic. But hold on to your tricorn hats, because it turns out that this story is just another lie. The cry might better be, “The Bullshit is coming, the Bullshit is coming!” The truth is that poor old Paul was stopped by British troops and never delivered his message. So why do we believe this nonsense? Largely due to the fact that, in 1860, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote the poem, Paul Revere’s Ride which starts with the immortal lines, “Listen, my children, and you shall hear/Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere.” Longfellow’s glorification of Revere was pure invention.*


    • Blade says:

      Well, yet another Anti-American lowlife scumbag troll takes a dump on our traditions and history. (sighhhhh)

      “The truth is that poor old Paul was stopped by British troops and never delivered his message.”

      You actually stand by that remark? Or will you apologize to everyone and state that it is a lie? It takes a man to do that, so is that what you are or not? Is this the kind of crap you teach *your* kids? Or are you simply a kid killing time in their parents basement counting the days until you are liberated from their oppression? Boy, do you have surprises awaiting you, you future grocery bagger loser!

      Traditions and ‘myths’ like this do not originate in a vacuum, anyone with more than a few years behind them knows this. And specifically, even wikipedia says you are a liar …

      [Wiki]: “The warning delivered by the three riders [Revere, Dawes, and Prescott] successfully allowed the militia to repel the British troops in Concord …”

      It has to really suck to be you. I mean, having Wikipedia contradict your leftists drivel is about as bad as it gets! You should admit your error. A real man would do that.

      One does wonder how someone that resides in this great country can go so bad. But then again we often wondered what lead to people turning in their fellow citizens to the KGB behind the Iron Curtain. This troll and and several others should remind us all that there are prime candidates lurking among us that would turn on us in a heartbeat. They would prostitute themselves to the ‘state’ for a small fee. Consequently I would never trust a leftist to even wash my car.

      Everything else I would like to say probably would not be aloud here.

      • John Endicott says:

        “The truth is that poor old Paul was stopped by British troops and never delivered his message.”

        You actually stand by that remark? Or will you apologize to everyone and state that it is a lie?
        There is truth in what he says. Are you denying that Mr Revere was stopped by British troops? he himself writes: “Just as I reached it, out started six officers, seized my bridle, put their pistols to my Breast, ordered me to dismount, which I did: One of them, who appeared to have the command there, and much of a Gentleman, asked me where I came from; I told him, he asked what time I left it, I told him, he seemed surprised said Sr. may I have your name, I answered my name is Revere, what said he, Paul Revere; I answered yes; the others abused much, but he told me not to be afraid, no one should hurt me; I told him they would miss their aim. He said they should not, they were only awaiting for some deserters they expected down the Road.

        I told him I knew better, I knew what they were after; that I had alarmed the country all the way up, that their Boats were catch’d aground, and I should have 500 men there soon; one of them said they had 1,500 coming: he seemed surprised and rode off into the road, and informed them who took me, they came down immeaditly on a full gallop, one of them (whom I since learned was Major Mitchell of the 5th Reg.) Clap (doug d) his pistol to my head, and said he was going to ask me some questions, if I did not tell him the truth, he would blow my brains out.

        I told him I esteemed myself a Man of truth, that he had stopped me on the highway, & made me a prisoner, I knew not by what right; I would tell him the truth; I was not afraid; He then asked me, the same questions that the other did, and many more, but was more particular; I gave him much the same answers; he then Ordered me to mount my horse, they first searched me for pistols.”

        “Traditions and ‘myths’ like this do not originate in a vacuum, anyone with more than a few years behind them knows this”

        They may not originate in a vacuum, but that doesn’t mean they are the unvarnished truth.
        The famous lanterns (to indicate sea or land) were not to inform Mr Revere as tradition and myth have it (he already had that information when he left for his ride) but for the benefit of the waiting patriots on the Charlestown shore in case he couldn’t get through. As Mr Revere himself wrote:
        “The Sunday before by desire of Dr. Warren, I had been to Lexington, to Messrs. Hancock and Adams, who were at the Rev. Mr. Clark’s. I returned at night through Charlestown: there I agreed with a Colonel Conant and some other gentlemen, that if the British went out by the water, he would show two lanterns in the North Church steeple and if by land, one as a signal; for we were apprehensive it would be difficult to cross the Charles River, or get over Boston Neck.”

        It must be said, much of the myth and tradition of Paul revere’s rides come not from the facts of the matter, but from the poem of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow which is riddled with factual inaccuracies about the matter.

      • Blade says:

        [PJB says:] “The truth is that poor old Paul was stopped by British troops and never delivered his message.”

        [Blade says] “You actually stand by that remark? Or will you apologize to everyone and state that it is a lie?”

        [John Endicott says:] “There is truth in what he says. Are you denying that Mr Revere was stopped by British troops?”

        Excuse me? It should be crystal clear what I was calling him out on. The whole quoted statement …

        “The truth is that poor old Paul was stopped by British troops and never delivered his message.”

        … the bolded portion you ignored. Don’t set up a ridiculous strawman by dissecting that short sentence! I mean really, there wasn’t even a comma in there to confuse you. What the troll tried to do was erase a key event in the run-up to the revolution. And as I pointed out, even the leftist infested wikipedia contradicts his vile assertion. So you copy/pasted lots of words for nothing.

        Important events unfolded that evening, including the three of them being stopped and Revere captured. If you had bothered to read upthread in this very post you would see that everyone is well aware of these facts, as was Sarah Palin, much to the chagrin of the enemy media and their leftist consumers (does that include you as well?).

        [John Endicott says:] “It must be said, much of the myth and tradition of Paul revere’s rides come not from the facts of the matter, but from the poem of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow which is riddled with factual inaccuracies about the matter.”

        Ah, so you are one of them, well congratulations. You know you gave yourself away with the switch to a new strawman, critiquing some poem. Frankly, last week it was so obvious when the liberals pivoted their attack, after Palin absolutely snookered them on the ‘warning the British’, to the Longfellow account being incorrect. Liberals are deranged really. Certifiable. I mean, who uses a poem as a historical reference? Jeezus.

        Personally, as one who isn’t remotely fond of poetry, I’m not sure if I ever even knew about it before this week, nor have I even read it. So I have no idea if his poem is “riddled with factual inaccuracies” as you say. But I can say this with absolute certainty, I would not take a liberal’s word for it, or for anything else. So I will simply assume that Longfellow knew more about Revere than today’s liberals since he didn’t have toilet bowls like DailyKos, Dummies Underground and Puffington Host polluting the blogosphere of his time, and crapping on America every chance they get.

        I do believe that the only reason liberals even cite this new strawman is because it is the only version of history *they* can retain in their simple minds. Do yourself a favor and read up on what actually occurred that evening, will you? What Paul Revere and others accomplished was both critical to the patriot cause, and nearly herculean in execution. It is exactly why the earlier troll’s smear was so vile.

        They accomplished more in a few hours on a single evening than any leftist r0bot manages to accomplish in their entire pampered waste of a lifetime.

      • John Endicott says:

        Blade said:
        Excuse me? It should be crystal clear what I was calling him out on

        No it wasn’t. And since many in the media have spent the past week denying that part of the Revere story I was unsure if you were too, hence my specific question to you followed by the facts. In future rather than call people names perhaps you should attempt to be more clearer about what you are saying *AND* pay attention and try to comprehend what others are saying to you.

        Blade said:
        Ah, so you are one of them, well congratulations

        Excuse me? one of what? (there you go again – to borrow from a great president – not being clear about what you are saying) someone who points out facts in the face of your rambling rants and name calling, perhaps? Yep that’s me.

        Blade said:
        I’m not sure if I ever even knew about it before this week, nor have I even read it

        So rather than educate yourself you continue on ranting and name calling and worse assume it was accurate just because those who point out the facts of the matter to you are telling you stuff you don’t want to hear.

        Blade said:
        Do yourself a favor and read up on what actually occurred that evening, will you?

        That’s rich coming from the man who ponficates about Longfellow being accurate despite admitting he never read the poem in question.
        I have read up on what actually occured that evening (which is something you clearly haven’t judging by your rambling name-called filled rants), I even quoted from Paul Revere’s own writings about it in my previous post (if you’d done your research on the subject, or even paid the minutest attention to what you were replying to, you’d have realized that). Do yourself a favor and read up on what you are discussing before making a fool of yourself by ranting and name calling against people who point out the facts to you. Everyone who does so is not a liberal, something you would know if you engaged your brain before posting.

      • Blade says:

        [Blade says:] “Excuse me? It should be crystal clear what I was calling him out on.”

        [John Endicott says:] “No it wasn’t.”

        Oh yes it was! Once again from the top …

        [PJB says:] “The truth is that poor old Paul was stopped by British troops and never delivered his message.”

        [Blade says:] “You actually stand by that remark? Or will you apologize to everyone and state that it is a lie?”

        [John Endicott says:] “There is truth in what he says. Are you denying that Mr Revere was stopped by British troops?”

        [Blade says:] “Excuse me? It should be crystal clear what I was calling him out on. The whole quoted statement … “The truth is that poor old Paul was stopped by British troops and never delivered his message.”

        … Even Stevie Wonder could see that clearly. Certainly you do. Are you yanking my chain?


        [John Endicott says:] “perhaps you should attempt to be more clearer about what you are saying *AND* pay attention and try to comprehend what others are saying to you”

        (Arrrgh!) Okay, duly noted. Let’s see if you follow your own advice …

        [John Endicott says:] “That’s rich coming from the man who ponficates about Longfellow being accurate despite admitting he never read the poem in question.”

        Well John, that right there is a major fail in both attentiveness and comprehension, but you get high marks for hypocricy. Your quote clearly attributes some degree of pontification on the Longfellow poem to me. Therefore YOU MADE A FACTUAL ERROR.. I have had *nothing* to say about this poem, no intention of critiquing it, and will certainly not get dragged into yet another rabbit hole dug by deranged liberals attempting to continually change the subject once they have been suitably embarrassed. <– NOTE: lest you misunderstand that last sentence there, it references the history of the past week or so with the anti-Palin story shifting goalposts as the cockroaches scurried away from their first fail. You may not be aware but that was the thrust of the ‘Revere’ comments by most everyone in this thread.


        [John Endicott says:] “… judging by your rambling name-called filled rants …”

        In my experience the only people that react that way (the previous quote) are liberals, with the possible exception of some cowardly RINO Republicrats. Does the shoe fit? Well you can judge yourself for yourself. But do let me know if I incorrectly pegged you as a liberal retard. I would quickly apologize since no-one should be called a liberal retard unless they are one.

        And “rambling”? Ouch. That kind hurts since I really work very hard to make things clear enough for the average leftist, considering their vast knowledge and attention span is about as large as the microscopic post LIA temperature rise. But it is clear that I will have to work even harder at it in the future (sigh).


        P.S. Just an FYI: on these WordPress blogs they give you the <BLOCKQUOTE> and </BLOCKQUOTE> tags which help immensely in quoting sources and comments, and thereby makes a post full of quotes like yours much easier to comprehend. IMHO, those tags work better than long lines of Equal signs. Your post reminds me of R.Gates. You’re not her are you? Just asking.

      • John Endicott says:

        [Blade says]… Even Stevie Wonder could see that clearly. Certainly you do. Are you yanking my chain?

        PJB had two things to say in the part you quoted (notice the “and” in his remark that you quoted, “and” has a specific meaning, learn it – “Even Stevie Wonder can see clearly” what the word “and” means). You called the entire remark a lie. I pointed out that part of it was true and since you DID NOT SPECIFY that only apart of his remark was I lie I **specifically** asked you if you were denying the truth of that part (because, as I later pointed out, liberals have in the past week been denying that truth). Now, If I was as lacking in comprehesnsion as you have proven to be, I’d take your getting your knicker in a knot about this as “proof” you were a libtard because you are certainly responding like one. But then I’m not stupid enough to assume someone elses political philosphy based on the fact that they post something I don’t like.

        [Blade says]…
        Well John, that right there is a major fail in both attentiveness and comprehension, but you get high marks for hypocricy.

        Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha.. Thanks for the laugh. Ok, so your defense is that not only don’t you pay attention to what others write, you don’t even pay attention to what you yourself write. Does this sound familiar:
        “Personally, as one who isn’t remotely fond of poetry, I’m not sure if I ever even knew about it before this week, nor have I even read it. So I have no idea if his poem is “riddled with factual inaccuracies” as you say. But I can say this with absolute certainty, I would not take a liberal’s word for it, or for anything else. So I will simply assume that Longfellow knew more about Revere than today’s liberals since he didn’t have toilet bowls like DailyKos, Dummies Underground and Puffington Host polluting the blogosphere of his time, and crapping on America every chance they get.”

        [Blade says]…
        In my experience the only people that react that way (the previous quote) are liberals , with the possible exception of some cowardly RINO Republicrats.

        Ah, ok. So which are you claiming to be a liberal or a RINO Reppublicrat, because that’s exactly how you’ve been acting.

        [Blade says]…
        But do let me know if I incorrectly pegged you as a liberal retard. I would quickly apologize since no-one should be called a liberal retard unless they are one.

        I’m neither a liberal nor a retard. I’m about as conservative as they come (the “there you go again – to borrow from a great president” line in my previous reply should have been a neon sign to anyone with an ounce of reading comprehension and knowledge of Ronald Reagan’s famous use of that phrase).

        [Blade says]…
        Your post reminds me of R.Gates. You’re not her are you? Just asking.

        I’m a “he” not a “her” (the name John should have been a clue to even the most clueless) and calling me R Gates is, in some ways, an even worse insult than calling me a liberal.

      • John Endicott says:

        Oh, and Blade, I forget to add: thanks for the blockquote tip, I was not aware of that ability of wordpress forums, so atleast dealing with your flying off the handle nonsense resulted in one positive thing 🙂

  12. Blade says:

    Sorry John, I have now seen some of your recent comments at WUWT and I will humbly apologize for associating you with the Libtards. What you posted (that I saw) about AGW would clearly exclude you from that group. Unless you are a deep cover troll, I was wrong. (red-faced)

    So somehow we just have a misunderstanding, and I suspect that it is a matter of style: posting style, quoting style, ‘calling out’ style. I’ll just re-address some things for clarification.

    [PJB says:] “The truth is that poor old Paul was stopped by British troops and never delivered his message.”

    I called this troll out on that statement in toto, the word ‘and‘ taken in the boolean sense. I never anticipated someone interpreting that differently. Ah well.

    [Blade says:] “Personally, as one who isn’t remotely fond of poetry, I’m not sure if I ever even knew about it before this week, nor have I even read it. So I have no idea if his poem is “riddled with factual inaccuracies” as you say.”

    All true. I am allergic to poetry (including hip-hop 😉 I have heard of Longfellow naturally, but cannot recall any poems, though I may have read something in school many years ago, I simply don’t remember. When It came up last week, I did not go and read it, nor will I ever. To me it is irrelevant to the actual history.

    I saw what the libtards did when Palin snookered them. Chasing down inaccuracies in said poem is what I meant by “dragged into yet another rabbit hole dug by deranged liberals”. So there is no hypocrisy here since Longfellow is still greek to me. As the founders, and the colonial period, and the revolution are a lifelong obsession of mine, poems do not show up on my historical bookshelf.

    [John Endicott says:] “I’m a “he” not a “her” (the name John should have been a clue to even the most clueless) and calling me R Gates is, in some ways, an even worse insult than calling me a liberal.”

    You’re probably not aware of this but what has been going on for at least a decade at FreeRepublic, and likely WUWT and here at Steve’s blog is that trolls sign up a bunch of screen names (FreeRepublic) or simply share names (WUWT), so that the same commenter name is used by different people at different times. This results in detectably different personalities and gender using the same handle over time. The point is that just because someone is called ‘John’ does not mean they are a male. It is of course unfortunate for those that do use their real names however.

    But don’t take it personally, for example lots of black folk are assumed to be affirmative action cases or automatic democrat liberals (usually, but not always by white liberals). I don’t take it personally (as it can be useful), it simply stems from the relentless conditioning, and, also from many perfectly true cases (like Obama, Jackson and Sharpton). However I do easily fly off the handle when it comes to green socialist neo-communists because I will not be taken into slavery under any condition. Too many people died that I might be free today. This is why I sometimes shoot first and ask questions later.

    And what more can be said about R.Gates! Anyone offended by being confused with her is okay in my book. So, sorry again!


    About those BLOCKQUOTE tags, here are some working prototypes I use. You can copy/paste the first one shown to get the second one. The HTML tags are bolded for clarity …

    NOTE: In almost all circumstances they automatically inject italics as well as being indented and centered …

    <BLOCKQUOTE>verbatim quote</BLOCKQUOTE>

    verbatim quote


    However they of course do *not* include “quote marks”. They should be supplied by the commenter (which may cause you grief if you do not quote properly!). So I typically prototype verbatim quotes this way …

    <BLOCKQUOTE>”verbatim quote“</BLOCKQUOTE>

    “verbatim quote”


    For even more clarity you can go even further, (which I found myself doing in this thread) …

    <BLOCKQUOTE><B>[XXX says:]</B> “verbatim quote“</BLOCKQUOTE>

    [XXX says:] “verbatim quote”


    Also note that since everything between BLOCKQUOTE tags gets italics, you can usually (but not always) reverse the effect with *extra* italics tags, <I> and </I>

    <BLOCKQUOTE><B><I>[XXX says:]</I></B> “verbatim quote“</BLOCKQUOTE>

    [XXX says:] “verbatim quote”

    One more thing about BLOCKQUOTE tags, the usually imply two CRLF (carriage return line-feeds) which is like hitting the ENTER key twice after typing a line, to insert the needed space after between paragraphs.

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