1926 : Geoengineering A Warmer Climate


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to 1926 : Geoengineering A Warmer Climate

  1. Mike Davis says:

    I just had to read that whole article! What is being proposed today is about of equal value.
    The entire East Coast would be as warm as Southern California. That is just so wonderful! They should have forged ahead with proposal number two! It could have provided a warmer Europe and eastern North America. If they had figured out how to breed pigs with turkeys we could possibly have flying pigs today also! Or at minimum Ham and Turkey for Christmas all from one animal.

  2. Blade says:

    I was thinking that this plan is questionable.

    If we dam up the flows of warm water to the arctic and isolate it perhaps it would grow by massive amounts instead.

    However, if someone can think of a fool-proof plan to melt the damn thing, I mean completely, I would vote for it.

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