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Current US Government : Stupidest In History?
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We have now proven that entitlements and political correctness are more important than fiscal sanity and responsibility. Unfortunately, if we don’t willingly choose to correct our course, external forces will correct our course for us in a very painful way.
Hmm, certainly the most self-serving congress in history. They’d rather continue the status quo than do what is right by the nation. They lack the personal integrity to do what they know is necessary. Many would rather be re-elected than protect this nation. The allure and lust for money and power was too great for the majority of our elected officials. I was hopeful the repub party could actually show some integrity…….. apparently, I was too optimistic.
If this is what the Republican party will deliver for us, then I think it is time to seriously consider forming a permanent 3rd party. It will hurt for a time, but the Republican party will only oppose the liberal spending in words only. We need a party that will represent the majority of the populace and today, neither party does.
I think it’s already too late…it’s just that not everyone has realized that fact yet 😐
The US has had much worse. Wasting the many times of prosperity that the US has had is a much worse crime to not it up for the long term. Setting up the basic mess of bucreacracy and military-intelligence complex is much worse crime than chaotically mishandling the current mess.
Obama is an idiot but so most of your presidents and great deal of Americans are too.
Half of Americans are below average intelligence for their region?! It’s okay though, nearly half of Belginas[sic] are above average, so it all balances out, right?
On the bad side your government has spent almost to zero hour to come up with a plan that nobody likes and still has lots of twists and turns in the coming months as deadlines are reached, which most of the US population is probably not aware of.
On the good side you have not defaulted and so can keep borrowing at really low interest rates to try and kickstart the economy. If you had defaulted those rates would have gone up.
It seems to me the US system is geared towards too much fighting and not enough good ideas and a system where they can be pushed through. China would never get into this state, mind you they are nearly as Communist as Obama 😀
Paul? Paul Krugman? Is dat choo?
The reporting agencies do not determine interest rates, that falls to the investors. Rates are effected by confidence in the economy and will go where they will go regardless of ratings. Moody’s could give us AAA, but if the economy sucks, interest rates will be higher. We should ignore the peanut gallery and get on with cleaning house.
Pleeez. They are flushing the country down the toilet
It’s ok, China has 23 million bachelors who will soon be coming over here for “comfort” since the aging, evangelical baby boomers are willing to give them *anything* (daughters, sons, spouses, you) so they can keep their cushy, hypocritical, “give peace a chance”, “don’t trust anyone over 30 (except us)” life styles!
I don’t understand…Argentina defaulted at 30%. The USA could default at 1% or less (ie paying only one cent back for every dollar of debt) and nobody could say a pip. Where’s the problem?