Snow – Heat – Water Vapour – These Things Never Happened Before!

The prevailing science provides clear evidence that the polar ice caps are melting. Arctic shipping lanes, which for the centuries of humanity’s existence have been frozen, are now clearing in parts. The air overall is sodden with water vapor, and temperatures worldwide continue to climb. Also note the rising sea levels.

Weather patterns are changing, and severe weather is becoming far more extreme and violent. We have seen it in this region in the heavy snowfalls in some places, droughts and searing heat in others.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Snow – Heat – Water Vapour – These Things Never Happened Before!

  1. Dave N says:

    ..and of course heavy snow, drought and searing heat has never happened before.

    If it wasn’t going to be so sad, it would be amusing that in a few years they’ll look back on this kind of absolute nonsense and shake their heads over how wrong they are. Actually, scratch that; right now they’re not even able to look back in history to realise how wrong they are, so they’re not likely to in the future.

    • Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

      They are afflicted with Mental Myopia and or CAIS (Cranial Anal Insertion Syndrome). While the symptoms are remarkably similar one is temporary and the other is permanent.

  2. Andy WeissDC says:

    Until 1950, there was never any evil weather and now that we have detroyed all records prior to 1950, you will never know the difference one way or another.

  3. Ralph says:

    If the writers of any “climate is now weather” stories would actually look at the facts they would realize that the Earth’s climate was PERFECT until Eve took a bite out of the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden! Now we’re doomed to rain, snow, sleet and hail!

    • gator69 says:

      That’s it, I want reparations from every woman on this planet. They destroyed paradise and we men have suffered ever since. Forty basements and a hotrod.

      • Ralph says:

        Science should dedicate its resources to trying to figure out female logic instead of something as trivial as climate/weather. Apologies to any women who post comments here.

  4. dp says:

    From the “Do as we say” department:
    “Please support this one a week off-day. It is for the good of the planet and that has to be good for humanity. Believe me when I say we would do the same, but we have a paper to get out”.
    — The Kansas City Star


  5. higley7 says:

    A couple of years ago I surveyed the literature and found that the NOrthern passages were open to shipping in 72 of the last 112 years. They were wide open during WWII. Hmmm, the 30s and 40s were rather warm; more than now.

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