“Climate change is leading to other crises, such as the Arab Spring.”
“Somalia and the Arab Spring are examples of our problems,” Parenti said. “It will be interesting to see what effect the drought in the United States will have on grain prices internationally and what it will do politically.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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The expedition sent by the .British Government to punish the Somalis for their recent action has met with varied success…”
~17 Feb 1890
It would seem to be the fault of the US if there are uprisings over food prices in the middle east for not offering them grain cheap enough. Whatever became of the responsibility of feeding your own population?
“In Somaliland, long ago, there existed a great people of culture, who established wells and waterholes all over the country. The Somalia of the present day lacked this culture, and existed by driving their flocks and herds from one waterhole to another.”
~24 June 1932
This is not our fault, we were fighting muslim terrorists before we even ratified our constitution…
“In 1784, Congress authorized American diplomats John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson to negotiate with the Muslim terrorists. Negotiations proceeded, and in 1786, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson candidly asked the Ambassador from Tripoli the motivation behind their unprovoked attacks against Americans. What was the response?
The Ambassador answered us that it was founded on the laws of their Prophet Mohammed– that it was written in their Koran that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners; that is was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners; and that every Musselman [Muslim] who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.
Given this “spiritual” incentive to enslave and make war, the Muslim attacks against American ships and seamen were frequent. In fact, in the span of just one month in 1793, Algiers alone seized ten American ships and enslaved more then one hundred sailors, holding them for sale or ransom. Significantly, when Adams and Jefferson queried the Tripolian Ambassador about the seizure of sailors, he explained:
It was a law that the first who boarded an enemy’s vessel should have one slave more than his share with the rest, which operated as an incentive to the most desperate valor and enterprise – that it was the practice of their corsairs [fast ships] to bear down upon a ship, for each sailor to take a dagger in each hand and another in his mouth and leap on board, which so terrified their enemies that very few ever stood against them.
The enslaving of Christians by Muslims was such a widespread problem that for centuries, French Catholics operated a ministry that raised funding to ransom enslaved seamen. As Jefferson explained:
There is here an order of priests called the Mathurins, the object of whose institutions is the begging of alms for the redemption of captives. About eighteen months ago, they redeemed three hundred, which cost them about fifteen hundred livres [$1,500] apiece. They have agents residing in the Barbary States, who are constantly employed in searching and contracting for the captives of their nation, and they redeem at a lower price than any other people can.”
When Jefferson took office, sixteen percent of the national buidget was spent to pay muslim terrorists their extortion money.
“…to the shores of Tripoli…”
Read about it here: “White Gold” – by Giles Milton
Before Islam the Middle East may have experienced times of peace but those periods are difficult to find. It has always been a region of tribalism and warfare.
QUE someone coming on to defend the religion of “peace” that was founded as a warrior society with a goal of global conquest, which still exists.
I don’t think the agreement lasted and we eventually did go to war to resolve the situation.
You are correct:
I prefer the smell of ‘Irish Spring’ to ‘Arab Spring’, just sayin’.
“…. and what it will do politically”
Drought will run for president.
That was an easy one.