California Government Now Controls The Climate

Vision for Clean Air: A Framework for Air Quality and Climate Planning

Public Review Draft Release

A public review draft of Vision for Clean Air: A Framework for Air Quality and Climate Planning has been released by staff of the Air Resources Board, the South Coast Air Qualilty Management District and the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District. This joint agency effort takes a coordinated look at strategies needed to meet California’s multiple air quality and climate goals well into the future.

Vision for Clean Air: A Framework for Air Quality and Climate Planning | California Air Resources Board

The have a super secret  El Nino/La Nina switch in Sacramento.

h/t to Marc Morano

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to California Government Now Controls The Climate

  1. gofer says:

    Is there words beyond “hubris on steriods” or “wacked out of one’s mind” that could more accurately describe someone actually “climate planning?” A slight change in wording would take it to a logical, sane level by calling for “planning for potential climate disruptions.” I want to believe that’s what they mean but we all know they intend the former.

    “For whom they gods would destroy, they first make mad”

  2. redc1c4 says:

    not sure where they keep the switch, but i can accurately predict where their heads are located.

    welcome to Falifornia, where we double down on stupid daily.,

  3. barryjo says:

    Oh, great!!! First they come up with 27 boutique blends of gasoline. Which in turn cause shortages. Now they want to somehow produce locally controlled climate. Did the fires in California inadvertently torch the annual pot crop???

  4. Richard says:

    When they vote to end Global Warming and it gets colder or hotter a few degrees.. will they tax themselves even more.. lol

  5. John Hess says:

    My original response to CARB’s email message:
    Yes, let’s all get together on Aug 21 and plan our climate!…sorta like planning a vacation, maybe?
    There’s more of course: Climate “Goals”
    From that climate planning workshop webpage: “This joint agency effort takes a coordinated look at strategies needed to meet California’s multiple air quality and climate goals well into the future.”
    Wait. Who decides what climate Californians get?
    Who wants it colder?…hotter?…drier?…wetter?
    Should there be a different climate along the coast than inland? North versus south? Desert versus mountains or valleys?
    Perhaps we should just VOTE for our preferences!
    Oops, what about the effect on bordering states’ climates? Might there be litigation?
    These AB-32 sponsored, juvenile, bureaucrats truly believe they are in control of California’s “climate.”
    Must be nice to get paid (with OPM) to pretend you’re God.
    Petaluma John

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