Dessler Permanent Texas Drought Continues

Weather Street:Clouds and Precipitation Forecast Movie

Last year, leading Texas A&M climate expert Andrew Dessler ridiculed Rick Perry for saying “the rains will return, they always do

Dessler himself issued this brilliant forecast for Texas

Get used to it. The weather of the 21st century will be very much like the hot and dry weather of 2011. Giving extra credibility to this forecast is the fact that the weather extremes that we are presently experiencing were predicted in the first edition in 1995.

Texas is vulnerable to warming climate – Houston Chronicle

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Dessler Permanent Texas Drought Continues

  1. Entirely the result of the remains of a Pacific coast hurricane that headed east. The drought will resume after this brief intermission.

    Oh, wait. AGW will cause hurricanes to become more intense and frequent…….

  2. Andy DC says:

    Unprecedented extreme droughtflood will be the new normal for Texas.

  3. hunter says:

    Dessler is a political hack and blowhard. He seems to be desperately hoping for another gig pushing climate hype for some lefty President he can sweet talk into granting more tax payer money to his pals in academia.

  4. An embarrassment isn’t he? What makes matters worse, is in warmist circles he is considered an intellectual giant.

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