“Romney Regrets ’47 Percent’ Remark”

Romney Regrets ’47 Percent’ Remark

ScreenHunter_108 Jun. 08 01.32

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to “Romney Regrets ’47 Percent’ Remark”

  1. He regrets that the media used it against him.

    • …it is more telling of you than of Romney, that you chose to ignore Steven’s point, which is that there was and is truth in the “47%” remark, after all.

      • Odd, I didn’t comment on whether Romney was right or wrong, only the media’s reaction.

        • No. You said that Romney regretted the fact that the media used it against him. The meaning of your words is contained in the full context of YOUR words. I suggest either mean what you say or say what you mean. Pretending that you said something other than what you did say is simply not honest and an insult to your readers. They can read and see the clear meaning of your words. Yet, by trying to alter the clear meaning of your words without changing your words, you are saying that they can’t.

  2. gator69 says:

    Once again, Romney was right.

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