1940 Shock News : Greenland Glaciers Melting At Catastrophic Rates

 the melting had increased rapidly. By far the largest number of local glaciers in north-east Greenland had receded very greatly during recent decades, and it would not be exaggerating to say that these glaciers were nearing a catastrophe.

ScreenHunter_73 May. 10 02.37

06 May 1940 – Greenland’s Climate Becoming Milder

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to 1940 Shock News : Greenland Glaciers Melting At Catastrophic Rates

  1. DarrylB says:

    One of the consistent shortcomings in the AGW Meme is the lack of research into events/conditions of the past. Therefore, one of the most valuable aspects of this blog is the plethora of weather history information. Thanks, Steve
    Oftentimes history, as it is taught in high school, misses climatic conditions as a significant reason for many historical events.

    • Jimbo says:

      Here is something from the past.

      The Early Twentieth-Century Warming in the Arctic—A Possible Mechanism

      The huge warming of the Arctic that started in the early 1920s and lasted for almost two decades is one of the most spectacular climate events of the twentieth century. During the peak period 1930–40, the annually averaged temperature anomaly for the area 60°–90°N amounted to some 1.7°C……

      The regime shift of the 1920s and 1930s in the North Atlantic

      During the 1920s and 1930s, there was a dramatic warming of the northern North Atlantic Ocean. Warmer-than-normal sea temperatures, reduced sea ice conditions and enhanced Atlantic inflow in northern regions…..

      If only we had satellites back then, it would put things into perspective maybe.

  2. mikegeo says:

    Alarming is right. And a mere 46 years later a half dozen WWII planes were discovered covered by 260 feet of ice.

  3. stewart pid says:

    OT but I was just looking at where the mainstream rowers are and where the ice is and they look so fooked! I don’t know what Reggie will say in a few days once the rowers hit the ice ( maybe they do have a blow torch to melt it all because it looks like they will need one) … maybe Reggie will just sulk off and disappear. The sat site I used http://ice-glaces.ec.gc.ca/prods/MODISCOM-T/20130701000000_MODISCOM-T_0007138173.jpg

    • stewart pid says:

      opps … when I found that site it said July 6th but now I see it is a composite of the last 10 days ??? not sure about that but it looks suspicious.

  4. Chewage says:

    Team Twisted rowers wish it was 1940:)
    They ran into a bit of ice this evening!!!

  5. holly berry says:

    you’re a towel

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