Another Skeet Shooting Expedition?

The last time Obama went skeet shooting was on his birthday last year (August 4.) Given that he says he “does skeet shooting all the time” I wonder if he has another big skeet shooting adventure planned for this year?

ScreenHunter_287 Jul. 27 14.47

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Another Skeet Shooting Expedition?

  1. gator69 says:

    Take his favorite gun away and Skeeter will simply find another way to destroy that which he hates…

    “One story about a particular shotgun, wielded by a “naked hippie” shooting at birds decades ago, seemed to have the most impact. Beck explained that after receiving a early morning call about the naked hippie shooting birds out of season, police in California arrested the said hippie and confiscated his WWII-era shotgun.

    That man turned out to be a notoriously evil serial killer known to the world as Charles Manson. After his gun was taken away, he then turned to a knife to commit at least nine grisly murders with his cult group.”

    • Blade says:

      California is up to its eyeballs in actual murderers who they rarely execute and often let slip out on a technicality. This makes Manson the strangest case in the history of justice. IIRC, Charlie never killed a single person, and with a proper O.J. jury and team of lawyers should walk on a technicality – ordering the murders. In a real sense, he could plead the first Amendment. California has for the first time actually kept someone behind bars without parole, and he didn’t take a single life. Amazing!

      But I am looking forward to applying the same Manson standard against the AGW cult, people like Gore and Mann who have blood on their hands from inspiring crazies that killed themselves and their kids. Besides all the cases we have not heard about, I expect much more to come.

  2. Traitor In Chief says:

    Steve, Northern CO planning succession.

  3. My birthday to. The Abominable Obamanoid is ten years younger than me to the day. Gnash

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