Blame The Neighborhood Watch Guy!

ScreenHunter_187 Jul. 18 15.05

h/t to Dave G

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Blame The Neighborhood Watch Guy!

  1. Pathway says:

    That is just staggering.

  2. kbray in california says:

    How many of the 10,865 killings were committed with a legally registered firearm ?

    That would be an enlightening statistic to look at.

    Zimmerman’s was legal.

  3. gator69 says:

    93% of blacks killed, are killed by other blacks.

    Seems to me there is a beam in someone’s eye.

  4. Robertv says:

    I suppose some neighborhoods must look like this.The killing fields.

  5. Mike D says:

    Charles Barkley agrees with the verdict. Was actually a good interview overall on many topics including athletes and money, though this cut only deals with him commenting on the verdict.

  6. Blade says:

    When Cuomo’s father was Governor here in NY for three terms, he constantly vetoed all attempts to reinstate the death penalty leading to a running theme very similar to that image. Here is text from an actual one from June 1986 …

    Since Mario Cuomo first vetoed the death penalty 6,328 New York State residents have been murdered.

    He remained in office until January 1995. The death toll was very very high. Like Dukakis, he caused the death of innocents by protecting the lives of criminals. Wikipedia

    “In 1994, Cuomo ran for a fourth term. In this election, Republicans attacked him for his opposition to the death penalty by highlighting the case of Arthur Shawcross, a multiple murderer convicted of manslaughter who was paroled from New York in 1987 and on release became a serial killer. Republicans were able to associate Shawcross with Cuomo much like Willie Horton with Michael Dukakis six years earlier. Cuomo was defeated by George Pataki in the 1994 Republican landslide …”

    The best thing would be to reinstate the death penalty and make sure to use it, and then the lives of innocents will be protected. Additionally, execute those on the parole board and those politicians involved in protecting convicted murderers and the public will be truly protected.

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