Jesse Jackson Wants Jury Decisions Controlled By Special Interest Groups

Jesse Jackson says that he should be able to buy jury decisions

Members of the Congressional Black Caucus appear undecided so far on whether to support a call for a boycott of Florida over the Trayvon Martin case, with Maryland Rep. Donna Edwards saying Sunday such a move could be “devastating” to some communities in the state.

Jackson said after a Florida jury found neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman not guilty July 13 of all charges in the fatal 2012 shooting of Martin, a black teenager, that his Rainbow PUSH Coalition would consider a boycotting on Florida, which he characterized as a “kind of apartheid state.”

Jackson’s son is being sentenced this week for theft and embezzling $750,000 from the people of Illinois, so Jesse is in Florida pretending he is Nelson Mandela.

“That’s probably the best strategy because people understand dollars and cents,” Clay, D-Mo., said Friday, according to The Hill newspaper. “And they understand if there’s a significant drop off in revenues — at conventions, at Disney World and Universal Studios — that  will get the attention of the powerful.”

The black caucus thinks that they should be able to purchase jury decisions.

Their remarks were just part of  the ongoing and wide-ranging discussions about race and equal justice since the fatal shooting, particularly after President Obama talked Friday about the verdict, his own experiences growing up black and what Americans could do about changing state gun laws on self-defense.

Obama wants to make sure that people can’t defend themselves any more. It makes martial law much easier to implement. All that States Rights nonsense and the US Constitution just get in the way of his bigger plans.

Ohio Democratic Rep. Marcia Fudge, the Black Caucus chairwoman, suggested the Martin case should be a call for “a broader discussion” on “how we are treating poor and minority people in this country.”

Yes, we need a discussion about why the black community is trying to lynch an Hispanic.

“We are being attacked from so many sides that you have to at some point decide where you can have the most impact,” she said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

People who make statements like that are normally being treated for paranoid schizophrenia.

Black caucus appears undecided on call for Florida boycott, asks for border discussion on race | Fox News

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Jesse Jackson Wants Jury Decisions Controlled By Special Interest Groups

  1. Norm Milliard says:

    The reality is that since 1960 almost 1,000,000 (one million) people have been murdered in the United States. The majority of these murders are committed by minorities against minorities.

    How does a nation with a massive problem allow it’s leaders to distract them to rant over a single event?

    Over the 500 days since the Zimmerman/Trayvon event more than 20,000 people have been murdered.

  2. Latitude says:

    “undecided”….because they know no one will notice

  3. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    Best move available is to boycott Jesse Jackson and the rest of the black race baiting leaches.

  4. “…we need a discussion about why the black community is trying to lynch an Hispanic.”

    I think that should be the title of this post.

  5. Gamecock says:

    The States created the Federal government. The Federal government didn’t create the states.

    A few years ago, there was a call for a boycott of Arizona over their decision to enforce immigration law. There was a large, grassroots call for a BUYCOTT of Arizona. I finally got out to see the Grand Canyon. Perhaps the Race Hustlers know they will spur the silent majority.

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