July Is Over – Rowers Have Completed One Tenth Of Their Journey

The weather will turn sour in about a week, and the rowers are stuck on a tiny island with 90% of the journey left to go.

Is there some reason they haven’t arranged to be rescued yet? Are they looking to be martyrs for Jabba The $500 Million Manbearpig?

ScreenHunter_23 Jul. 31 06.03

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to July Is Over – Rowers Have Completed One Tenth Of Their Journey

  1. Disillusioned says:

    I assume this means the First Annual Arctic Polar Cup Open Water Summer Sailing Regatta will have to be rescheduled.

  2. Richard Lynch says:

    On the other hand, the kayakers and the sailors are on the move. I wonder why the Arctic Joule is just sitting there.

  3. Norm says:

    They should remember their families and responsibilities. On several occasions they have narrowly avoided being broadsided and capsized in heavy surf. Luck sometimes runs out.

  4. Lance says:

    They will plead the 5th…oh hang on, their Canadian…can I export these idiots to the Maldives?

    • stewart pid says:

      These man / boys are getting a great life lesson and perhaps will learn something about con artists like Reggie and keeping an open mind but be skeptical and verify etc

      However I feel that they may have drank too deeply on the Kool-Aid of GLO-BULL warming alarmism and are a lost cause …. next year the ice will all melt … or the year after but it still it is worse than they thought and unprecedented. Have they claimed to be victims of climate change / weather weirding yet?

  5. Anto says:

    I’m certain that they have planned ahead and that a 100% recycled paper plane, fabricated in a wind-powered factory will be sent to rescue them, in the extremely unlikely event that there might still be some ice left in the Arctic this year.

  6. Sundance says:

    The Snow Queen makes losers out of those who think they are winners.


  7. Hugh K says:


  8. Roger Fraley says:

    By my calculations (eyeballing Google Maps), I think they’ve gone 500 km. So in about a third of the time they have, they’ve gone 1/6th the distance they have to row and haven’t even hit the parts completely blocked by multi-year ice. They had to cut loose their anchor to avoid being sunk by a piece of pack ice. Does anyone know if they have a spare? I have to admit, dis band should disband.

    • Apparently they still have a sea anchor.

    • On google earth, Cape Parry is 89 miles from where they left the river. I’m not sure exactly how many miles they did on the river, but they certainly won’t have done more than 200 miles in total so far.

      Their website says the route is 3000km, so about 1900 miles.

      So about 10% is right.

      (I expect they have rowed twice the distance though, following the coastline, and getting blown off course)

  9. Looks like they have made a move south along the coast. Heading for safety!

    There is no sense otherwise, as logically they should be heading east to cross the bay.


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