Justice For Trayvon

ScreenHunter_69 Jul. 13 14.25

Creepy ass cracka chases down cute 12 year old Obamason lookalike who went to the store for candy, profiles him and kills him in cold blood – while he screams for help.

Thus summary provided by the world class professionals at NBC News.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Justice For Trayvon

  1. Dead thug, no biggie…think of all the people he won’t kill looking for his next crack-money victim.

    • I. Lou Minotti says:

      You’re on it, Lady. Too bad his parents obviously have no money or anything else of value that he could steal and then redeem for his drug habit. Perhaps that saved them.

      • Natural selecttion. He had a better start in life than Dr. Carson, yet he decided to pursue a course he must have known would end badly…too bad-so sad, no loss. He made his choice.

  2. Blade says:

    How ironic that right today AMC is running a Deathwish movie marathon and a little while ago it was Deathwish 3, set in NYC in Brooklyn where an old Jewish couple is robbed in their apartment multiple times by thugs. Then the police famously show up to take their gun at the threat of incarceration. A very accurate portrayal of possible events in my former hometown, even without an idiot like Bloomberg in charge.

    We don’t even need to look at fiction though. Some horrendous acts took place in Nawlins around Hurricane Katrina.

    Fathead asshole Bill O’Reilly justifying one incident …


    More …


  3. There Is No Substitute for Victory says:

    Blade, I absolutely love it when people call me a Cracker. That is the best way in the world to stick my middle finger into a Damn Yankee’s eye. The name buy the way refers to both Black and White Southerners who had in General Sherman’s words been eaten out (or burned out) by the Union Army. The Union Army liked the food stores of the southern civilian population so much better than the swill that their own government fed them that anytime the Union Army campaigned in the field (were they had the opportunity to forage) the enlisted men threw their hardtack rations away as soon as they were issued. The starving southern population fell on these half rotten, rock hard, and wormy “crackers” like they were T-bone steaks. This led the Union Army to mockingly call all Southerners “crackers” or eaters of hardtack.

    To a White Southerner, the name “cracker” is such a badge of pride, that the Atlanta, Georgia AAA baseball team (the fore runner of today’s Atlanta Braves) was named “The Atlanta Crackers. You must remember that the people of Atlanta, Georgia had more than a nodding acquaintance with Lt. General William T. Sherman and his methods of warfare. Sherman first practiced war against civilians after the Union repulse from Northern Mississippi in December of 1862 when two smaller Confederate forces completely wrecked General Grant’s and Sherman’s supply lines beginning at Holly Springs, Mississippi, all the way North to Nashville, and West to Memphis, making a forced march necessary through the freezing rain and mud of middle and northern Mississippi all the way back to the Union base at Memphis. If not for the Union Army stealing the food recourses of the civilian population of Northern Mississippi, the Union Army of the Mississippi would have been completely destroyed, and Generals Grant’s and Sherman’s carriers would have been at an end. Don’t take my poor word for it. Read it for your self in Sherman’s personal memoirs written by him and published while he was living.

    • Blade says:

      Interesting! I have a very similar story. I was raised to not fear the N-word ( I’ll use “nigga” here so I don’t load up Steve’s site with Google bombs ).

      The reason? ( NO OFFENSE INTENDED TO ANYONE HERE! ) … My mother told me it was used by white folk too stupid to pronounce “negro” properly. So when you hear it just laugh at ’em.

      True story and I’ve heard others relate similar tales. I gradually evolved into thinking that the way the real N-word became politically incorrect creating a lynching of any poor white bastard that accidentally muttered it under their breath ( even today as we speak! ) is a real bad thing. It has actually re-introduced negative power back into that term, whereas my mother had it right all along by defusing it.

      I remember when NWA came along and really loved the name because it neutralized it again a bit. Couldn’t stand their so-called “music” though. Give me Chuck or Jimi or Living Colour instead.


    • gator69 says:

      I’m a descendant of Florida Crackers, and they hold that name dear. With my family there is a double entendre, as some of them were cattle men, and cracked those long whips to move them little doggies. 😉

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