Mikey Opened Our Eyes

Mikey showed us that since 1860, the planet has been heating at unprecedented rates. 280.2 PPM CO2 simply made the climate go nuts.

Prior to Mikey’s great enlightenment, none of the world’s experts were even aware of this spectacular warming. For example, the 1990 IPCC experts thought that the post 1860 warming was actually quite small.


We are blessed to have among us a prophet so wise and powerful, who has crushed that terribly inconvenient MWP, as well as all of the prior related work in the field.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Mikey Opened Our Eyes

  1. Wayne Margot says:

    “We entered key yield development time” for corn pollination, said Tim Hannagan, grain analyst at Walsh Trading. “Weather was near perfect with timely rain and no excess heat.”
    What do they mean “no excess heat?” Don’t they know that is against the faith?
    Don’t know how else to contact you and I thought of you as I read this moments ago.

  2. @njsnowfan says:

    Little different chart on this site. Scroll down to see periods with solar cycles

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